Thursday, March 24, 2011

Swinging and Laughing

Our townhome community has quite a few little parks. Not too far from us is a nice set of swings. Corby loves when we take him swinging!

A few weekends ago we attended Elise's baby blessing up in Sandy. They had a nice luncheon at Emily's parent's house after. They had a swing set, so while we waited for the food to be ready we took Corby out for a nice swing.

I can't wait for it to be warm, so we can go to the park everyday. But for now, we'll take what warm days we can get!
I put together a little video of clips of Corby laughing. He used to only laugh when we tickled him, but now he laughs all the time. I think baby laughs are the happiest sound in the world. Enjoy!
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  1. Nice work in iMovie Shauna!

    Love the giggles - miss the giggler :(

  2. Ha, ha, i just adore that first picture...little giggle britches!

    xoxo, tracy
