Sunday, April 17, 2011

Brady's Wedding Weekend

On Friday my cousin Brady got married. It was a packed weekend! I have lots of pictures (and Picasa is finally working again), so get ready for picture overload!
The sealing was at 9:40, so we were supposed to be there at 9:10. We had to drop Corbyn off at 8:30 which meant we had to leave Spanish Fork at 7:30. So I had to get up at 6:00! I'm pretty sure it was the first time I've gotten up before Rog and Corb. They looked so cute sleeping - I had to snap a picture.
It was a beautiful sealing as all sealings are. Here's Mr. and Mrs. Brady Ririe coming out of the temple. You can't really see her face, so you'll just have to trust me that she is absolutely gorgeous.
It was a really beautiful day. In fact it could have rivaled our wedding day in beauty except the flowers aren't in full bloom yet.
After the traditional pictures on the stairs, we went to pick up Corbyn. His Aunt KD was nice enough to watch him for us. It was time to feed him and he does much better eating solids when he is in a high chair, so we stopped at the first fast food restaurant we came to. It just so happened to be the original KFC.
After a really quick stop at Orson Gygi to get some sprinkles, we headed to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building for their luncheon. It just so happened that they had it in the same room we did. We really wanted to recreate this picture from our luncheon 4 years ago.
We got this one where the temple looks good, but Rog looks like a total goof.
And this one where you can't really see the temple, but we all look pretty good. Ah well...
Then we headed up to my grandparent's house to celebrate Easter (because we'll be in California for the actual day). We had our traditional Easter egg hunt. I totally kicked everyone's trash!
And we had a little Easter egg hunt for Corby with Puffs in the eggs instead of candy.
He didn't really understand what was going on, but he was pretty cute anyway.
We went to Wood Connection, had dinner, went to the reception, stopped at IKEA really quickly, and then headed home. It was a long, exhausting day. But we were happy to be with Brady and Kiera on their special day and celebrate with them.
On Saturday we started the day with a 5 mile run - our first run as a family of 3! After the run, Rog washed our cars (and Corbyn helped).
Then Grandma Lori watched Corbyn while Rog and I went golfing with my dad. Because my Grandpa Ririe donated some land to the Gladstan golf course, my dad gets free golf with a cart for life. He let me use his cart because I've never golfed with a cart before.
We had dinner at Pizza Pie Cafe and then went to Kohl's to use some coupons on summer clothes for Corbyn. Corby showed off his trick of clapping toys together.
After Corby's bath, Grandma Lori gave him some Easter gifts. He loved the red tissue paper the gifts were wrapped in. While we were recording him go crazy with the tissue paper, we happened to get this clip of him trying (and almost succeeding) to stand up on his own!
I spent the rest of the night making these cake pops. I think they turned out pretty darn cute.

Sunday was a little less eventful. My parents came to sacrament meeting with us and then headed home. And we went to Stacey and Derek's (in Salt Lake) for dinner.

We always love it when my family comes up to visit! Thanks for a great weekend!
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  1. WOW - What a weekend - Gratefully we were a big part of it - Very happy you love it when we come to visit - Corby entertains us all and is very good at it - hehe!

  2. Those cake pops are so so cute!!!

  3. Yes, Roger, you do! What a darling little family - that Corbyn is just the cutest little Utah grandson ever!! Love Grandma Dixie
