Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Decorations

I didn't have any Easter decorations at the start of this month, so I've been busy starting my collection. I never realized it before, but Easter is fun to decorate for!!
I wasn't sure I was even going to paint my bunny that came in my HOME set. I didn't think it was very cute and I was going to do an egg instead. But then I saw how Rachel did her bunny and absolutely fell in love with it. So THANK YOU Rachel!!
My mom got me the cute blocks that say, "hippity hoppity Easter's On Its Way". I had actually seen them at Robert's and almost bought them myself. So I was very excited when she gave them to me!
I just finished this trio of eggs last night. Emily and I had one last girl's night before they move up to Sandy for the summer and then to medical school in the fall. We watched Tangled which was a delightful movie. You did it again, Disney!
This shadow box is my new project for the next year. I just finished all my O's for my HOME set, so now I'm going to do this every month. Wood Connection has a set of five little things for every month. I just think they are so so cute!
And here are my Easter plates.
Happy Easter!!
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  1. WOW - You never cease to amaze me :)

    I'm glad you like the "Hippety, Hoppity, Easters On It's Way" - hehe

  2. O's for the HOME- $15
    Decorations for the Shadow Box $20
    A Happy little Chief- Priceless
