Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Goodbye Cliff

Yesterday was kind of a sad day. We said goodbye to our buddy Cliff. A nice BYU student bought him from us. We are glad that Cliff will once again be fulfilling his scooter destiny around BYU campus. He will be happier there than he was sitting in our garage gathering dust. And now we won't have to pay to insure and register a vehicle we never use. It was for the best, but still it was sad saying goodbye to our friend.

We let Corby take him for a spin around the block before we handed over the keys... Ok, not really. But doesn't he look so stinking cute?!

And now a photo tribute to Cliff:

June 22, 2007 - the day we bought Cliff.

How Cliff earned his keep - primo parking at football games and other events.

Bundling up for cold winter rides.

Or as I call it, Wife Abuse.

The time I ran out of gas.

And the time I locked the keys inside him.

Thanks for all the good times Cliff!


  1. Corby seems to have a thing for mirrors!

    He is very cute on the scooter as long as it's not moving - hehe

    Glad you got some good photos of Cliff - it's best to let him go so he can be there for another BYU Coed :)

  2. Sad indeed! Glad to see he went to a good home! You certainly got your use out of him :)
