Sunday, April 10, 2011

Living for the Weekend

One day I'm going to get it together like Rachel and post about things as they happen instead of doing huge catch-up posts.

Here's a look at our last few weekends.

The weekend of death:

This weekend was the Festival of Colors. I was really looking forward to it. We got a babysitter for Corbyn, pre-ordered our color bags, and planned to meet Jared there. The morning of I woke up feeling a little iffy. We had a nurse coming to take our blood to get life insurance quotes. As soon as she took my blood (only a tiny bit), I just about passed out and then I threw up all over the carpet. I spent the rest of the day on the couch watching Friends and throwing up. Needless to say we didn't get to go to the Festival of Colors.

Rog got it a few days later. I have a theory that it was Rotavirus because Corbyn was a tiny bit sick the day before I was. He threw up once (all over me) and was more tired than normal. But he wasn't anywhere near as sick as we were. So I think his Rotavirus immunization protected him from getting really sick. Thank goodness! It was awful!

Conference weekend:

On Friday Jared was going through the temple for the first time at the Jordan River temple. It was the craziest day I have had in a long time. I spent the morning getting us all packed for the weekend while my parent's drove up from St. George. As soon as they got to Spanish Fork, my mom and I went to Bed Bath & Beyond to get a shower gift. Then we picked up Rog at work.

My dad and Jared went straight to the temple while Rog, my mom, and I took Corbyn up to my grandparent's house. Jared's {girl}friend, Cailey, was going to watch him there while we all went to the temple. We fed him, gave him a bath, and got him all settled. It was time to go, but Cailey hadn't got there yet. So I gave instructions to my grandma for her to pass onto Cailey and we went out to the car. But then Cailey got there, so I gave the instructions to her and we were on our way.

As soon as we got onto I-15 from I-215 we knew we were in trouble. There was a HUGE backup of cars from an accident all the way down at 12300 South. We got off the freeway at 7200 South and took back streets there all the while watching the time get closer and closer to the start of the session. We got to the temple at about 6:15 and Jared's session was at 6:20. It was a miracle, but we got to the room just as they were about to start. Because we were so hyped up from stressing about getting there, my mom and I actually stayed awake the whole session. And let me tell you, it has been quite a long time since that has happened for either of us!

To top off our crazy day - after the session, my mom and I went to a bridal shower for my cousin Brady's fiance.

Saturday and Sunday were way more chill. We watched conference, ate good food, went to Wood Connection (Because what trip up to SLC would be complete without that?!), worked on our taxes, and went to the Ririe conference waffle breakfast.

This last weekend:

Saturday (yesterday) was just about a perfect day. We got a lot done, ate some really good food, and got to spend time together. Rog let me sleep in while he got up with Corbyn. After I got up, Rog helped a family in our ward move. Then we took turns doing our long run for the week at Gold's on the treadmill. We were hoping to be able to take BOB and go as a family, but it was snowing. We worked on a decorating project (more on that later), made this cheesecake, cleaned the house, and took showers. I made this for dinner. It was amazing! Super easy and very filling for a breakfast for dinner meal.

Then we went mini golfing at Trafalga with our Pass of all Passes.

{Hey guys, this is cool and all... But what am I supposed to do with it?!}

{Me and my little guy. He kind of looks miserable. Those two teeth are really giving him a hard time and we're starting to wonder if they will actually ever pop out!}

{We had a little friendly bet on the game and Rog was the loser.}

When we got home we put the little dude to bed and enjoyed our cheesecake. The crust was so good - seriously to die for!

{Don't judge my crappy piping job.}

We ended the night watching Eat, Pray, Love (because I was the winner) while I worked on painting one of my Wood Connection treasures. It was a good movie. I don't feel any need to watch it again, but it was worth watching once.

Today I fasted for the first time since September of 2009. I'm still nursing Corbyn in the morning and before bed, but I don't think it's enough to justify not fasting anymore. On the way home from church I just about bit Rog's head off when I thought he was turning around to pick up a guy on the side of the road. I turn into an illogical beast when I'm hungry. For dinner we had an amazing dinner of roast, carrots, and mashed potatoes. Food always tastes better on Fast Sunday, but this dinner would have been amazing even on a regular day!

And that's the last 3 weekends!


  1. Looks like so much fun!! Again, I'm so sorry that I had to bail last minute! We will have to use those passes again soon though! And I totally missed out on some yummy cheesecake!

    Congrats to Jared for going to the temple!!

    So sorry to hear that the festival of colors didn't pan out! Good news is that you'll be there again next year!

  2. Wow - that was quite a post :)

    It was a special weekend that started with Jared going to the Temple for his first time. Yes, we were plenty stressed about making the session on time - we got our white socks on in the car and Roger even got his white tie on while traveling to the Temple. Shauna and I had a race to see who could get dressed for the session faster and she won by a long shot!

    Excited to be heading back up North on Thursday for Brady and Kiera's wedding. Love those family times :)

  3. How fun! You've had some busy weekends. Sorry you all got so sick, what a bummer. I have no doubt your house is a lot cleaner than mine- you probably spend your time much more wisely :)

  4. Illogical beast... that is a great description.

  5. So sorry you got so sick...yuckies...

    Congrats to fall asleep in the Temple...? Hee. Guess it's kinda like church at times...of any denomination. i remember reading a really funny chapter about that in one of those Pat Bagley (i think) books. He says he has worshipped with many faiths and falling asleep is the common denominator. Except with the Southern Baptists..."they really know how to get down with God"! (Think "Mercedes" Church, perhaps.) Yay!

    So, does the Festival of Colors have anything to do with the Hindu Temple? 'Cause i know they have something very similar.

