Tuesday, May 17, 2011

11 Months

Corbaby is 11 months old today... That means only 1 more month until he is 1 year old! Umm, that is CRAZY! The only thing more crazy is that I took his pictures and am blogging on his actual 11 month birthday! When am I ever that on top of things?!
The Corb at 11 months:
*Loves goldfish crackers and banana chunks. He gets so excited when he sees me get them out.
*Gives high fives {sometimes}. You know, if he's in the mood.
*Takes steps with his right foot only and ends up walking in a circle.
*Loves his daddy. If he's around, he will always pick him over mommy. I'm old news, he's with me all the time.
*Drinks out of cups.
*Will give you something if you ask {almost every time}.
*Is constantly waving.
*Likes to make obstacle courses for himself. He is always climbing under chairs, tables, etc...
*Hates the grass. If we put him in it, he will not move for anything.
*Plays a fun game with mom where I put something small in one of my hands and he guesses which hand it is in.
*Is deathly afraid of the stairs. He can climb them just fine, but he is so scared of them. He cries the whole time he is climbing. The funny thing about that is the best picture we took tonight is of him climbing the stairs. Go figure.
This is seriously 2 seconds later... His normal reaction to being on the stairs!
*Stands up on his own very well. And is comfortable in the standing position for long periods of time.
*Is always chilling in the crouch position like this.
*Is such a little cutie!
We love our little guy so much!
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  1. He is such a cutie! Love your pictures of him. :)

  2. So cute! I don't think I have ever seen a baby that smiles more than yours- such a happy little guy!

  3. Our kid is pretty cool, isn't he?

  4. I think I remember another little boy who smiled and smiled all day. He had great red hair and the bluest eyes - everybody loved him, especially HIS mommy!

    Corbin's Colorado grandma can't wait to see him next week!!

  5. He is absolutely darling but way too big!!!!!!

  6. Great pictures, i love them! Especially the one where he is standing by the door! So cute!

    Love the outfit as well...who doesn't love a turtle? (Makes me miss ours!)

    It was so fun to learn about him...i know what it's like to prefer Dad...!


  7. What an adorable "photo shoot"

    Love his outfit and shoes :)

    Really missing you three!

    Love you tons!

  8. He's so cute! We need to see you guys.
