Friday, May 6, 2011

4 Years

While we were at Disneyland (on April 27th) we celebrated 4 wonderful years of marriage! My parents took Corby for the evening and let us have a night to ourselves.
First we went to dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. We made sure we sat at "our" table - the one we sat at when we ate there on our honeymoon and also when we ran the Disneyland 5K.
Then we went on a few rides - the Matterhorn and Thunder Mountain Railroad.
{Check out our awesome Happy Anniversary pins!}

We got beignets at the Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney.
And then we went to the World of Color which was freaking AMAZING! Seriously it was like the Bellagio fountains in Las Vegas, but on steroids. Loved it!
To give you an idea...
It was the perfect way to celebrate our anniversary! I'm so happy I could marry my prince charming 4 years ago! He makes me so happy and I can't imagine my life without him! I love you babe!
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  1. Wow, what a cool video! What a perfect way to spend an anniversary!! You have the cutest little family Shauna, I love reading your blog. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. Rainforest should engrave your names on your table - hehe

    Glad you had a special anniversary celebration and that we could tend Corby for you :)

    Love you tons!
