Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bye Bye Elder Ririe

On Wednesday my little brother entered the MTC. It is so crazy to think that we won't see him for 2 years. He may be my little brother, but I look up to him in so many ways. He gives everything he does his full effort. He is going to be the BEST missionary. Seriously.
We had lunch at the Cougareat before dropping him off. {His choice. He wanted a rice bowl from Teriyaki Stix.}

We went up by the Provo temple and took a few pictures.

And then we drove through and dropped him off at the MTC. And just like that his 2 year mission began. We will miss him like crazy, but we are so proud of him.
My mom will be updating his mission blog. You can follow his mission here if you would like.
After we dropped him off, we went to Seven Peaks. Yeah, you read that right... That may seem like an odd thing to do after dropping someone off at the MTC. But hey, we're not in mourning. We're glad he's serving.
My parents watched Corby for me while I went on a few big kid slides. Then we played in our favorite kiddie pool.

It was a perfect day for sending off a missionary and soaking up some sun!
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  1. Gotta stay positive through all this and realize what an amazing experience Jared is having!

    We're tough - Corby's the only one who cried when we dropped him off at the MTC and that could have something to do with the fact that we left him in the car alone for a couple of minutes.

    It was fun to float around the lazy river with Corby and then take tons of photos of Shauna and Corby in the kiddie pool :)

  2. Bye, Bye Elder Ririe...don't "ding" too far!

    Love the first picture of Corby at Seven Peaks!

  3. Shauna, that shirt is adorable...always the Classy Lady!
