Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Celebrate the 4th!

We decided to spend our 4th of July weekend down in St. George because Jared enters the MTC today and it would be the last weekend we could spend with him for 2 whole years!
We went to the balloon festival in Provo Friday morning before we left. I LOVE the balloon festival and we didn't get to go last year because Corby was just a few weeks old, so I insisted we go this year!
We got there a little late, so we missed watching most of the balloons blow up. But the Coca Cola balloon was still blowing up when we got there. It is the tallest balloon in the world - 187 feet when it is fully inflated.
Corby loves balloons right now. He was amazed at all the balloons and kept reaching for their strings - or at least where he thought the strings should be.
Rog left to go to work and then I realized that we hadn't taken a family picture with the balloons, so I called him back to take this one. (He hadn't gotten far.)
Rog worked a few hours Friday morning while I finished packing us up and then we made the drive to St. George.
On Saturday, Grandma watched Corby while we did a session at the St. George temple with my dad and Jared. She got him his very own balloon - he was very excited!
We ate out at Cafe Rio and Pizza Factory while we were there - both Jared's pickings.
{Soon to be} Elder Ririe and his mama at Pizza Factory.
We went swimming every day we were there except Sunday. Corby LOVED it! He would float around in his tube and play with the rubber duckies. He also loved playing on the stairs where it was shallow and throwing things in the pool when he was out of the pool.
Naked baby! :)
On Sunday he was begging to go outside, so Rog took him out on the putting green.
I made this very yummy fruit pizza for dessert on Sunday.
And blueberry pancakes for breakfast on Monday morning.
Unfortunately with the 4th of July being on a Monday, we had to drive back on the holiday, so Rog could be back at work on Tuesday. We didn't get to see any fireworks or do any holiday related stuff on the actual 4th, but it was worth it to spend time with Jared and my family.
When we got home, I got out my July decorations. I have some patriotic lights and no surprise, Corby loves them!
I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable 4th! God Bless America!
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  1. Nice balloons at the balloon festival. Glad I got one for The Corb :)

    Thanks for coming down to Saint George for the long weekend - Lots of fun memories and cute photos!

    Love you all tons <3

  2. Guess what i did on Independence Day?

    Looks like you all had a wonderful happy for you! :)



  3. Is that Varth Dader in the background at the Balloon Festival?
