Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Children's Discovery Garden

Yesterday Corby and I met up with Amber and Tyce to enjoy an afternoon at the Children's Discovery Garden at Thanksgiving Point. It was hot hot hot which we thought would be a good thing because they have a fun Noah's Ark with pools and fountains for little ones to cool off in. But unfortunately that was closed for the day because they were regulating the chemical levels. They played in the fountains a little, but those aren't as cool as our fountains in Spanish Fork (and those are free). Tyce was scared of the bear in the bear cave, so we couldn't hang out there. And they were a little young for some of the other stuff. But they both loved the sand box. It was Corbyn's first experience with sand and he is definitely a fan! He was like, "Mom, you know this is dirty, right? And you're letting me play in it? AWESOME!"
I took off his shirt and let him go with just his onesie because I was worried he was getting too hot.

When it was about time to leave, a huge thunderstorm hit. We got soaked!
It was a fun afternoon. I'm not sure it was worth the $6 admission fee... But it was definitely good to sit and talk with Amber while we watched our little boys play. Next time we'll make sure Noah's Ark is open!
Corby the Corbs missed his afternoon nap, so he was TIRED when bedtime came around. When I checked on him I found him like this and felt so bad. But I had to grab my camera and snap a picture before I saved him. I pulled his legs free (one of them was stuck good) and he didn't even wake up.
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  1. What?????????? No one posted on this adorable pic? Poor tired baby! So cute, i can just imagine haw happy he was to meet his beddy!

    PS i know how it comments..............

  2. Sounds like you got the "water" portion of the outing with help from Mother Nature! Hope it cooled you off :)

    My fav photo is the one of Corby looking. The middle photo is a good shot of his curls before they went bye bye - hehe!
