Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back in the Kitchen

After being away from my kitchen for over a week while we were in Canada, I was excited to get back cooking! I had some new recipes I wanted to try out and after eating out a lot more than normal, I was in the mood for good homemade food.
Chicken Pillows. About a year ago we had a Relief Society activity where we made freezer meals for the Compassionate Service Committee to have on hand to give out when needed. We just ran out, so now my committee is making more. I had heard chicken pillows freeze well, but I wanted to try a recipe with homemade rolls rather than the pre-made crescent rolls. Rachel had just posted this recipe, so I tried it out and I'd say it is a keeper!
Grilled Pizza. A few weeks ago, Our Best Bites did a post highlighting some of their favorite recipes. This was one of them, so I figured we should give it a try. We also tried their homemade pizza sauce. I'm pretty sure that made the pizza. I definitely won't be using store bought pizza sauce ever again.
{They don't look all that pretty, but they were so so so good!}
Pineapple Bacon Burgers and Southwest Pasta Salad. Last Saturday we had a BBQ with Kyle, Britt, Bud, and Cami. Kyle and Britt are moving up to Idaho for grad school, so we wanted to get together before they left. Rog did a great job grilling up these burgers. And he said this pasta salad was the best he's ever had which is saying a lot because he usually doesn't like pasta salads.
Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream. I finally used the ice cream maker we got for our wedding! For a long time I was confused about how it worked because it was different than the one my family had when I was growing up. I'm so glad I finally figured it out! This recipe for vanilla ice cream couldn't have been any easier and it tasted great! Our Best Bites has a lot of recipes for ice cream that look amazing, so I'm sure I'll be using our ice cream maker a lot more now!
On top of all that, we had a neighbor die very unexpectedly, so I helped out by taking the family dinner a few nights and making funeral potatoes for the luncheon after the funeral. I was also in charge of buying all the food for the luncheon (that we weren't making). Our Relief Society President is pregnant and due pretty soon, so she wanted me to be fully trained on funerals just in case there is one when she has her baby.
Needless to say, I may have gone a little bit overboard! But I found a lot of tasty recipes that I will definitely be making again. Yay for good food!
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  1. So are we changing your name to Big Chef Raindance? It was all really good.

  2. Yep - Chef Raindance sounds very fitting!

    Sounds yummy dear daughter and I'm very impressed with all you are doing for your Compassionate Service calling :)

  3. Chicken Pillows... I still dream of them at night. We'll have to try grilled pizza, sounds delicious!

  4. And yet, you stay so thin...

    "Hey, jealousy...." !

    Everything looks so delish!

  5. PS Wasn't it always "Chief Raindance"? Did i miss something?

  6. Seriously I loved loved their pizza sauce! I thought the same thing! :) Sounds like you guys are having a fun summer! :)
