Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Canadian Adventure

I've said it before, but this time I really mean it... Get ready for picture overload!
First some background. Last summer when we went to Canada for Tay and Martha's wedding reception, my Grandpa Ririe got the idea that we should do a family vacation up to Canada. We went up there 3 times while I was growing up, but it had been 9 years since we were there last. (Not counting last summer of course.) Because of work, missions, and medical school we were missing Alisha, Brady, Kiera, Taylor, Jared, and Jason.
Thursday, July 21
My mom and dad drove up from St. George. They stopped in Spanish Fork and helped me finish getting everything packed. We planned to go to Seven Peaks, but when we got there we learned that they had closed early for an "exclusive event." So we picked up Rog from work (he had gotten a ride to work from a lady he carpools with sometimes) and drove up to Salt Lake to spend the night at my Grandma Ford's house.
Friday, July 22
Woke up and made final preparations to go. I lost my contact in the shower and discovered that I had forgotten to pack extra contacts. Fortunately it was Friday, so we had my eye doctor fax my prescription to Walmart and we picked some up on our way out of town. (They gave me a free sample pair, so it didn't cost a thing! Woot!)
We stopped for lunch at Taco Bell. I ordered Corby a cheese rollup and started feeding it to him like I normally would by tearing off pieces for him. He grabbed it from me and started tearing into it with his teeth. Go Corby!
We let him play outside and get his wiggles out. Our little Harry Potter.
When we stopped for dinner at Denny's, Rog took him outside while we were waiting for our food. He brought him back inside looking like this. He had taken a larger than normal fall. Fortunately all but the cut on his nose were better by the next morning.
We spent the night in Great Falls, Montana where we picked up Diana and Blake at the airport.
Saturday, July 23
Drove up to Magrath. We missed the parade, but made it in time for lunch at Ty and Gloria's. (Gloria wasn't there because she was in the hospital.)
Drove around Magrath, stopping at all the major points of interest including the cemetery. Visited Gloria at the hospital and got some groceries in Cardston. Then we made our way to Waterton.
Sunday, July 24
Went to church at the branch in Waterton.
It was a beautiful day (the best one we had), so we went on a long walk around town. We threw rocks in the lake.
Corby helped me push his stroller.
He played with the chipmunks.
{They were not scared of each other at all!}
And we enjoyed Cameron Falls.
Monday, July 25
The day of the big hike to Crypt Lake! It is an amazing 11 mile hike that has been voted "Canada's Best Hike." You have to take a boat across Waterton Lake to get to the trailhead. At one point you have to go up a ladder, through a tunnel, and across a sheer cliff with the assistance of a cable.
{Diana and I have a picture like this from when we first did this hike over 10 years ago.}
McKay, Diana, Rog, and I went ahead of my dad, Uncle Kevin, and grandpa. When we got to the tricky part of the hike, we all agreed there was no way my dad and uncle would let my grandpa continue on as it is pretty dangerous (especially for a 79 year old who has balance problems). We got to the lake and had lunch.
We started back and ran into the 3 of them AFTER the scary part of the hike. Turns out we were wrong about them not letting my grandpa do that part. So we turned around and hiked to the lake again.
Rog was a huge help getting my grandpa across the cliff, through the tunnel, and down the ladder. After that my IT band started acting up, so the hike back wasn't nearly as much fun as the hike up. But we all made it back safe and sound.
Tuesday, July 26
It was rainy, cloudy, yucky weather most of the day. At least this year we knew to expect that and packed warm clothes. I had to buy Corby some long pants because he didn't have any in his current size. I bought a size bigger than he's in now and hemmed them to fit because I didn't want to buy pants for him to only wear a few times.
We made the most of the bad weather by going swimming in the indoor pool.
We decided to go up to Cameron Lake despite the cold. I was disappointed because I wanted to rent a paddle boat, but that didn't happen for obvious reasons.
Corby enjoyed playing with this exhibit in the visitor's center.
After dinner it warmed up a bit, so we did the Bear Hump hike. It is only 3/4 of a mile, but VERY steep. Rog was a trooper and carried Corby up. You can see the whole town from on top. It's a beautiful view which makes the hike well worth it (even Rog agrees).
Wednesday, July 27
We went up to Red Rock Canyon. Diana and Rog went mountain biking while my dad, Corby, and I walked around a bit.
I'd been there before, but I didn't remember it. It was way cool. Totally worth the drive in my opinion.
Diana and Rog decided to also mountain bike back to Waterton. On their way, they ran into a mama bear and her cub! Of course the first thing Rog did was take a picture. They were on a trail, but when they came across the bears, they decided to turn around and take the road back.
The ladies enjoyed Afternoon Tea at the Prince of Wales Hotel. My favorites were the cucumber sandwiches and scones, but it was all so good! And what a cool experience!
Then we rented a Surrey Bicycle. Rog was tired from his earlier biking, so my mom and I did most of the pedaling. We made him get out for the hills because pedaling that thing is harder than it looks!
We had a birthday dinner for my mom, dad, Becky, and McKay (the summer birthdays) at Wieners of Waterton. It is a lot like J Dawgs and is owned by one of Brady's friends. Then we had ice cream on main street. I thought this was a cute picture of Becky sharing some of her ice cream with the Corbs!
Almost the whole gang. Grandma Lori, Corby, Great Grandma Ririe, McKay, Becky, Austin, me, Diana, and Blake (in the stroller).
The rest of the gang. Grandpa Ririe, Great Grandpa Ririe, and Kevin.
We loved Waterton! For me Waterton is all about reliving the memories I have of past trips there. We packed a lot into our days there.
It was also fun to have the little cousins together. Sharing a pillow for bottle time.
And I enjoyed holding cute little Blake (who doesn't try to get down when you try to hold him and cuddle him like Corby does). Such a cutie.
And a champion thumb sucker.
I swear the deer are taking over Waterton. There were way more than I remember from past years.
And even though I don't have a picture... one of my favorite parts of the trip was game time after we put Corby to bed each night. We played Lost Cities, Chicken Foot, Guillotine (a new one Diana introduced us to), Ticket to Ride, Bananagrams, Snatch It, and For Sale.
Thursday, July 28
We dropped Diana and Blake off at the airport in Great Falls and then made our way to Dillon, Montana. The food selection was very limited. We finally ended up at McDonald's. Grandma Lori wasn't happy about it, but Corby sure was! Ha ha.
We went swimming in their pool for a few minutes, but it was way too FREEZING to stay in very long.
Friday, July 29
We made our way back to Salt Lake. We took my parents out to celebrate their birthdays at Village Inn. Corby and his grandma were wearing matching shirts, so we had to get a picture.
We gave Corby a lemon and his reaction was priceless!
We got this moose pillow pet for my mom while we were in Waterton. She loves moose anything, so we thought she had to have this!
Saturday, July 30
My mom had a City Deal for a manicure and pedicure, so we got those. I'm not a huge fan of painted nails, but it was fun to be pampered.
Then we went to Trafalga Lehi. We wanted to go to Seven Peaks, but it was closing early again that day (at least this time we knew to check their website for that, but how awful was our timing that both times we wanted to go it closed early).
We played a game of mini golf.
And got SOAKED on the Splash Boats. (Corby was too small to ride, but we sprayed him while he watched from the side.)
To end the day, our friends, Bill and Mariah, had us over for dinner because they knew we wouldn't have any groceries for dinner.
And that was our trip! Phew, congratulations if you made it this far!
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  1. Looks so fun! I love Corby's Harry Potter picture!

  2. Yes, Corbyn really did fall.

    It's too bad I didn't get a picture of me wrestling the bear after it tried to steal my lunch :)

  3. Good summary of our Canada trip dear Shauna!

    Glad some of my photos made the blog :)

    I decided to name my Moose, Mischievous since I am always getting into mischief - like shooting straw papers at Corby, squirting Corby with water from the splash boats, and giving a lemon to Corby.

    Great memories of our Canada trip!

  4. Laugh out loud, Roger! i wish you had gotten a pic of that too!

    Looks like a wonderful trip, i loved all the pictures and Waterton looks so beautiful!

    Lemon picture is great! And now we know who is responsible!

    i wanna go on a trip!

  5. PS Grandma Lori

    "I'm Lovin' It!"

  6. Yep, just call me the Mischievous Grandma :)

    Wrestling with a bear - hehe Roger - too bad you didn't get a photo of that!

  7. Lori love Mc D's...me too after my "fabulous" working experience there...that's what a BS in Soc will get you! :P
