Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Receptions and Manti and Cars, oh my!

This last weekend my parents came up from St. George. Friday night we had dinner with them at Outback in Sandy and then we hit up a few receptions. First was Aubrey Bickmore's reception. I went to elementary school with her, we were on cheer together in high school, and we were basically inseparable. While we were there I got to catch up with Nate and Ann Edwards and meet their two adorable kiddos. And then we went to Chris Walker's reception. He was in Roger's ward in Moreno Valley in high school. There were a lot of people from his old ward there, so he had fun talking to all of them. And we all enjoyed the delicious Italian sodas they had!
My mom stayed the night and watched Corbyn for us in the morning while we went to the Manti temple. We had been to the Manti pageant before, but never in the temple. It was beautiful!
When we got home, Rog washed Fred and took him to the Honda dealership to sell him. It was sad seeing my baby go! (He was my first car.) His air conditioner has been broken for a few years and his age is really starting to show, so when my grandma decided to get a new car, we jumped at the opportunity to buy hers. (More on this in another post.)
We picked Rog up at the dealership and went to Seven Peaks for one last time this season. And then we put Corby to bed and played a game of Guillotine.
On Sunday, my parents came to our ward with us and then drove back to St. George. After church we went up to my grandma's house to have dinner with her and Rog drove his new car home.
And there you have it... Receptions and Manti and Cars, oh my!
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  1. Oh my! what a busy, but fun, weekend.

  2. Weekends with family always go too quickly!

    Fun times were had by all :)

    Thanks Cailey for helping with The Corb and going on water slides with me!

  3. Fred is gone?! He and I were very good friends as well. I'm sad to hear that but excited to read all about your new car! Grandparent hand me downs are the best :)

    I hope you had fun at the receptions. I wish you had posted a picture of Aubrey- I want to see how she looked!

    Glad you had such a great weekend! Miss you!

  4. Woohoo! Manti-that is where I am from and where we got married. Such a pretty temple, huh? I love it.
