Wednesday, November 16, 2011

In the Past Week...

*I hosted play group for the first time. We take turns hosting every Wednesday for an hour and a half in the morning. The boys love it and 2 out of every 3 weeks we get a guaranteed block of time to get stuff done.
*Rog and I cursed Daylight Saving Time more times than we can count. Our little dude is having a very difficult time adjusting. Before the time change he was waking up around 7:30 am every day, but since the time change he has been waking up at 6:00 am - not cool!
*Corby and I spent Friday up in Provo/Orem running errands, seeing the animals at the pet store, playing with toys at Toys R Us, visting dad at work for lunch, throwing pennies in the fountain at the mall (pictured below), running more errands, having dinner at Olive Garden, running a few more errands, and then finally going home. Corby fell asleep on the way home and was so exhausted from our crazy day that he didn't even wake up when we changed him into his pajamas.
*Corby got his first cold of the season (most likely from play group because the whole time I was wiping the other boys' noses). Thankfully it's not a bad one, but Rog seems to have caught it from him. I have escaped it so far.
*Rog and Corby gave both our cars an oil change and rotated their tires.
*Mariah and I had craft time on Saturday afternoon. We both have lots of crafting to do for the holidays and it's always so hard to fit in crafting amidst everything else, so we decided to schedule time for it. It was such a success that we decided to do it again this coming Saturday.
*We all tailgated it up before the football game and then I went to the game with Bill and Mariah while Rog went home with Corby. It was his turn (I went home with him last time we had a late game and no babysitter) and he had some work to do anyway. It was a cold game, but I was prepared with multiple layers and a warm quilt. We beat Idaho 42-7! Woot!
*I finished reading the Help! I started it back in April, but I only got a few chapters in and wasn't feeling it. After taking a break to read/listen to the 7th Harry Potter (again), I gave the Help a second chance and loved it! I can't wait to see the movie - I've heard it's just as good as the book. I just have to read one more book before the end of the year and I'll meet my goal. Now just to pick a book...
*Rog and I started a new Thanksgiving tradition - countdown to Thanksgiving Friends style where we watch a Friends Thanksgiving episode every night leading up to Thanksgiving.
*Rog finished up the Top 20 at work (huge project they do every November) and got an attaboy from his boss. Way to go!
We are keeping busy, waking up too early, wiping lots of runny noses, and looking forward to Thanksgiving.
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  1. Wow, such a busy, fun Familia Perfecta!

    You always know where to come for book ideas...or just go to my info page!

  2. "Three Coins in the Fountian".

    Oh, i would soooo love to hear you and Roger curse!


    Love you guys!

  3. Shauna, I've decided our little boys would be friends because they sound like they are really a lot a like- especially in the sleeping department! ;) Every time I read something you say about it, I think I am going through the same thing, or have gone through the same thing in the past! :) I guess they just don't like to miss ANYTHING! :) It seriously is the most frustrating thing!

  4. Great idea to have the play group - a real life saver for Moms :) Cute lil' boys!

    Corby is a good sleeper like his Daddy - hehe
