Wednesday, November 30, 2011


We had Thanksgiving in Colorado with the Phillips again this year. Normally we switch off every other year, but everyone had gotten off schedule. So we did two Phillips Thanksgivings in a row to get everyone back on the same schedule. It was a packed weekend. Here are the highlights - a lot of the pictures are thanks to my wonderful SIL, Edda, as I didn't pull out my camera all that often. (I figured her camera is better than mine, so I'll let her take the pictures.)
Got up and drove to Colorado with KD and Phat Tony.
Stopped in Grand Junction for lunch. Corby had his first Happy Meal from McDonald's. His favorite part was the fries.
He also experienced his first Play Place. He didn't love it, but he grew to like them more and more as the trip went on. (He played in 3 throughout the course of the trip.)
Drove to Kathy's for Thanksgiving dinner.
Took family photos. We didn't try for long because the little boys didn't want to sit still. It isn't the best picture ever, but it does show that EVERYONE was there.
Enjoyed appetizers. I made Cheddar Bruschetta to go along with all the other yummy appetizers they had.
Mike fried not one, but two turkeys. They were delicious as always!
Played a funny game where you had to figure out what you were by asking people questions. Rog asked Marti what he was and she said, "Bacon." Ha ha.
And finally the main event - Thanksgiving dinner. It was Corby's first. (Last year he was only drinking milk.) He looks excited, but don't be fooled. He took a few bites and then decided he was done which didn't make for a very enjoyable dinner for me and Rog.
Sister-in-laws. Just a cute one of me and Edda.
The swingset in the backyard was a big hit with all the kids. Normally Corby goes down slides on his own, but this one was super steep. So he got a little help from his dad.
Drove to Rex and Edda's to see the unveiling of the theatre room in their basement. Rex had been working hard (and not getting a lot of sleep) to get it ready for the weekend. It is pretty sweet.
Corby joined Aiden and Sam for bath time. (Jaxon was a little too young this time to join in the fun.)
Did some Black Friday shopping at the Outlets.
KD bought all her nephews beanies from the Children's Place. Corby got a reindeer one that will be so cute with some Christmas shirts I got him at Carters (for 50% off + an additional 10% off).
Helped move some furniture Dixie bought from a coworker. Corby loved climbing up and down the ramp to the van.
Enjoyed a delicious nacho bar at Kenzie and Irving's.
The girls and kids enjoyed a cookie party at Rex and Edda's while most of the boys went shooting at a range. Corby was a little intimidated by all of the neighborhood kids that were there, but enjoyed the cookies after they left.
Shooting took a lot longer than anticipated, so our plans got a little shuffled at this point. We were planning on going to Crave for lunch, but by the time the boys got to us, everyone was starving and there was an hour and a half wait. So we went to Chick-fil-A instead. After we ate our meal, I was still hungry, so I got a milkshake. I gave Corby a taste and after that he refused to share with me. Every time I tried to take a sip, he would scream his head off.
Got Crave to go for dinner. Crave is a gourmet burger place that everyone always raves about. All of their burgers have the actual burger plus a lot of unique add-ons that don't normally go on hamburgers. We were excited to finally get to try it. I got the Texas burger which had beef brisket, bbq sauce, and coleslaw. And I sprung for the sweet potato fries although I'm sorry to say those weren't worth the extra dollar. I think next time I'll get coleslaw or a side salad instead of fries because the burgers are super filling. I could only eat half of mine.
And Rog got the Luther burger which had bacon, cheddar, and egg served with 2 glazed donuts as the bun. Sounds disgusting, but I had a bite and it actually works because it's like a breakfast burger.
Celebrated Rex's birthday with cake and ice cream.
Played some Rockband and a round of Hand and Foot.
Played Tetris to load the car with all our Christmas presents from Mike and Dixie.
Drove home.
We had lunch at Taco Bell in Grand Junction, but then we went over to the Burger King where they had a Play Place for Corby to get some wiggles out. We felt like we should order something, so we got some ice cream cones. Corby took one of ours for his own. I think it's safe to say this kid likes ice cream!
Thanks everyone for a wonderful weekend!
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  1. Love the family photo - was it planned that the three sisters and the three brothers stood near each other?

    Corby sure looks ready to eat Thanksgiving dinner!

    He does like desserts - so do I! Sorry you didn't get your shake or ice cream cone back - that's hilarious!

    Nice photo of Shauna and Edda :)

    Cute photos of Corby too!

    Miss you guys :(

  2. Yummmm... donuts on my hamburger.
