Tuesday, December 6, 2011

November Decorations

My Christmas decorations have been out since the 1st, so I guess it's about time I got around to blogging about my November decorations!
I'm a firm believer that you don't decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a great holiday with lots of fun opportunities for decorations - I don't know why it so often gets skipped over!
New this year - Keep Calm and Gobble On (free printable found here) and the block turkey.
And of course my shadow box.
Last year I broke one of my owl plates when I was putting them away and this year I broke one when I was getting them out. That only left 2, so they got to hang out in the kitchen.
With my owl dish towel.
And I found these plates at the Wood Connection on clearance for only $3.95 each!
Love, love, love!
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  1. Cute, cute decorations! Can't wait to see your Christmas stuff!

  2. I like the pie in the shadow box the most.

  3. Nice display

    - Keep Calm and Gobble On - hehe (Good advice!)

    Are you feeling lucky lil' owls who survived?

  4. Nice display

    - Keep Calm and Gobble On - hehe (Good advice!)

    Are you feeling lucky lil' owls who survived?
