Saturday, January 7, 2012

2011 was the year that...

Corbyn learned to eat SOLID food...
and WALK.

Corbyn also got his first TEETH...

Visited DISNEYLAND for the first time...
and learned to SLEEP through the night.
We said goodbye to Cliff and Fred...
And welcomed Daisy to the family.
Rog ran his 4TH marathon.
We found out Corbyn was going to become a BIG BROTHER.
And mom was going to get her little DANCER!
2011 wasn't quite as eventful as 2010, but it was a year to remember nonetheless!
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  1. And that was the year that was....far more sucessful than mine!

    And adorable pictures!

    Thank you for the wrap-up!

    xoxo, tracy

  2. I think you had an amazing year!

    WOOT for 2011 :)
