Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Whirlwind Weekend

My parents came up for the weekend and it seems like we were busy every second they were here (even when we weren't with them). Corby's schedule was completely thrown out the window, but thankfully he went right back to his normal routine come Sunday night.
We had two major projects for the weekend:
1 - Get Jared's birthday package ready. {He reads my blog, so I can't say what I made or post pictures just yet. If I remember I'll post about it after his birthday because if I do say so myself, it was pretty awesome.}
And 2 - Switch our cell phone plan from TMobile to either AT&T or Verizon. {We have always had TMobile. And for the past few years, Jared has been working the system, so we could have iPhones. But now that he's gone, we don't have our tech support. I somehow managed to drop my phone in the toilet AGAIN a few weeks ago (even though I had never done that before in all the 10 years I have had a cell phone). I had been using a basic phone and was planning on getting an iTouch for my birthday. But Diana was also having problems with her phone, so my parents decided we should just switch to a provider that supports iPhones. And yes, I am still on my family's plan. They insist that they don't mind having me on it (for which we are very grateful). You might think that makes me kind of lame, but I'm sure if your parents were still willing to pay for you, you wouldn't turn them down either. You know I'm right!}
We successfully completed both projects (We ended up going with AT&T because we heard Verizon has terrible service in our neighborhood and I got an iPhone 4S - LOVE IT!) and managed to fit in a ton of other stuff as well.
We went to the temple while my parents watched Corby at the Wilk. And then we all had dinner at the Cougareat.

We took Corby to the Disney Store in the mall while we were checking out different cell phone plans. And oh my, was he in heaven! The first thing he did was pick up a Buzz stuffed animal, give it a huge hug, and pat it on the back (so cute). And then he went around the store checking everything else out.
We picked up a few things at IKEA. (A lamp for the sewing nook, some baskets for Peyton's room, and a small table/chairs for Corby's room.)
We put the table and chairs together on Sunday and he insisted we break it in with a Goldfish snack. (Because that's what he does in nursery. LOL.)
We did a few random errands at Fashion Place. (We were also supposed to go to Wood Connection, but we got there at 4:20 and we had forgotten they close at 4:00 on Saturday.)
We had dinner at my Grandma Ford's house.
It was great to spend some time with my family. Although I hope the next time we see them we are able to relax a little more!
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  1. Darling pic with the goldfish!

    You come soon?

  2. i promise if you come here, you can relax, i will do all the cooking and cleaning up/...desperate...oh, no, not me...too fat, anyway!

  3. It was a BUSY weekend but we always enjoy being with you guys.

    The Birthday package is on its way - two days behind the Valentine's Day package. Wonder which will arrive first - Seriously . . . As long as it gets there before February 22!

    AT&T is working out well I think. What do you think daughters?

  4. Goldfish are definitely a Nursery Tradition!

    Personally, I much preferred the teddy graham type snacks when I was a Nursery Leader. One of the perks of that job is getting to have snacks during Church :)

  5. Teddy Grahams..............

    (Whispers, "Brick" style "G r a m s"....)

  6. YES - A couple of my photos made the post :)
