Monday, March 12, 2012


Last Monday I turned 26! Oh my, that's really getting up there!
Thanks to Rog, Emily, and Pinterest, I had a great day! That may sound a little odd, so let me explain. About a month ago on Pinterest, I came across this list of free stuff you can get on your birthday. I immediately started planning my day based on what meals I could get for free. I decided we would go to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast and Red Robin for dinner. That sounded good, but I figured the rest of the day would just be a regular day spent at home with my little guy. And while there's nothing wrong with that, it didn't really get me excited for my birthday to come especially since my birthday was on a Saturday last year and it was a day packed with birthday celebrating.
Then I found out Emily was going to be in Utah for my birthday. Unfortunately her grandpa had passed away, so she was coming for the funeral and then would be spending a few days in Utah before heading back to Wisconsin. (Let me be clear that I wasn't happy her grandpa had passed away, but I was happy I would get to see her.) She suggested I come up to Sandy to have a little birthday lunch with her and I gladly accepted.
So when my birthday came, Rog stayed home from work in the morning. He watched Corbyn while I got ready for the day and then we headed to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast. After breakfast, he went to work while Corbyn and I drove up to Sandy. We hung out and chatted for a bit while Corbyn enjoyed playing with all the toys at Emily's parent's house. Then we had lunch. We had potato soup, salad, and bread - all very delicious!
And then for dessert Oreo cupcakes made with Birthday Cake Oreos (because Oreo's 100th birthday was conveniently March 6th).
Our friend, Aubrey, joined us for lunch during her lunch break. It has been a long time since the 3 of us hung out, so it was fun to have the trio together again.
Then while Corbyn took his nap, Emily taught me how to make bows which was awesome because while they really aren't that difficult to make, I was a little intimidated by them. We didn't get a ton made, but now that I know how to make them, I'll be able to whip out a bunch in no time! (I'll post a picture of that when I get them done.)
When Corby woke up we headed back down to Spanish Fork. On the way we stopped at Krispy Kreme because the list said you could get a free dozen donuts. I wasn't going to eat them all anyway - just one or possibly two and then I was going to send the rest with Rog to work - but it turns out they really only give you one free donut. We met Rog at Red Robin and had a quick dinner because Corbyn WOULD NOT SIT STILL - which is also why the only pictures from my birthday are from lunch at Emily's. Rog spent most of breakfast and dinner following him around while I ate by myself.
The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. Bill and Mariah brought by some peanut butter bars and we chatted with them for a few minutes. And we watched an episode of Friends before going to bed (The One where Rachel has a Baby). It was a fun day!
Later in the week Rog made me some homemade oreos. (I had a few and then took the others to one of our neighbors who has been very sick with her pregnancy.)
I also got my free ice cream from Baskin Robins and Cold Stone. I wasn't that happy with my choice at Baskin Robins, so I made sure to get one I knew I would love from Cold Stone - Apple Pie a la Cold Stone. I tried not to be too bad while at the same time still allowing myself to enjoy my birthday. Hopefully I won't regret it when I step on the scale tomorrow morning at my 32 week appointment!
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1 comment:

  1. Glad Shauna had a fun birthday :)

    Thanks to Emily for putting together a fun lunch and helping Shauna make bows. Glad Aubrey could come to the lunch also!

    I was sad that I couldn't be with Shauna on her birthday but glad she celebrated and found some free treats :)

    Sure, I'd love an oreo cupcake - hehe
