Tuesday, March 13, 2012

32 Weeks

I had Rog take this picture last Thursday when I was actually 32 weeks, but I wanted to wait until after my appointment today to blog about it (even though I am almost 33 weeks now).
Everything looked great at my appointment. I actually weighed the same today as I did 4 weeks ago which makes me think last time was a fluke (and the doctor agreed). I had gained a few more pounds than I was supposed to have at my last appointment, but I'm pretty sure it was just that I had been drinking water like crazy all morning to make sure I wasn't dehydrated for the blood glucose test - I was when they did it with Corbyn and it made it that much more awful (they had to try both arms and finally ended up taking it out of my hand - NOT fun). Anyway, my weight gain for the overall pregnancy is right where it should be, so they weren't concerned and I felt a whole lot better about myself!
I'm still going to stay away from the sugars and too many carbs because my weight gain wasn't more than it should have been with Corby and we all know how that turned out! But now I can breath a little more easy knowing that I'm not gaining WAY more than I should be (like I thought I was after my last appointment)!
I haven't reached the totally uncomfortable part of the 3rd trimester yet. I'm trying to remember when I got there with Corbyn... But I feel like this pregnancy has been so much more comfortable in general, so maybe the end won't be as awful as it was last time? (A girl can dream, right?!) Last time I was always uncomfortable, but this time I think my insides have already been stretched out, so maybe that's why it hasn't been as bad this time.
In other baby news, I have now finished sewing all the blocks for Peyton's quilt and just have to sew them all together. My goal is to have it to the quilt shop to be machine quilted before the end of the week. I have also found some very cute owl things for her room and we should be getting the crib/dresser sometime this week. (We're buying them from a neighbor.) Her room is slowly starting to come together and I am getting more excited to meet her every day!
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  1. you look so cute pregnant! I'm getting excited for you!

  2. You're not counting weeks, are you?

  3. You look great! Can't believe you are already in your third trimester.

  4. You look great!

    Wish you'd let me touch your tummy :)
