Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day of Errands

Saturday was Rog's last Saturday GMAT class. And today is his last Wednesday GMAT class. Woot! (Of course he'll be studying like crazy until he takes it on May 25th, but at least now we can plan his GMAT time rather than having it scheduled for us.)
It was also a day of errands. In the morning while Rog was at his class, Corby and I went to check out the new Wood Connection store in American Fork and then exchanged a shirt I bought in the wrong size at Kohl's.
I had a coupon for a free kid's meal at McDonald's, so we stopped there for lunch. After eating, Corbyn went to check out the PlayPlace. He couldn't get past a certain point, so of course he came to get me to help. I'm sure you can imagine the rest. It actually wasn't that bad, but I know I looked pretty ridiculous to everyone watching.
Later in the day we ventured all the way down to Payson to go to the Case Lot sale at the Payson Market. I had been waiting for one because I was completely out of the supply I bought last August. Macey's didn't seem to be doing one, so when I got the ad for Payson Market's sale, I jumped on it! We are now restocked and it feels so good!
And if that wasn't enough, the errands don't end there. After dinner we headed to the mall to pick out some earrings for my birthday. Then we went to Michael's for a few bow-making supplies (more on this later) and finally after we put Corbyn to bed, I ended the day at Walmart.
AiYiYi! My dad says life is a series of purchases and I couldn't agree more! With a new baby coming, it seems all we do is run errands.
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  1. Too bad someone wasn't there to take a photo of Shauna in the playplace!

    Cute lil' guy enjoying his kid's meal :)

    Glad your "Day of Errands" was successful

  2. Yes! i want to see you in the Play Place!

    Ah, what memories!

  3. Kids Meals Rock! What was the "prize"?
