Friday, March 2, 2012

Taylor's Homecoming

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. Every time I have a spare minute I've been working on Peyton's quilt, so I can take it in to be machine quilted. Here it is all cut out and ready to be sewn together.
Since I took this picture I have finished sewing the top row of blocks. It takes about 10 minutes to sew a block and I have 36 blocks left. So I have about 6 more hours to go. Then I have to sew all the blocks together... Obviously I need more spare minutes, but it is coming together.
Anyway, last week my cousin, Taylor, came home from serving his mission in Guatemala. He gave his homecoming talk on Sunday, so my parents came up on Saturday to be there for that. On Saturday night they watched Corbyn, so we could go to the temple. He was kind of having an off day - so he pretty much cried for the first half hour we were gone. Luckily after his bath he cheered up for them.
We did sealings and I rented a dress because I wasn't sure mine would fit anymore.
During Taylor's homecoming a miracle occurred - Corbyn sat and colored for a good half hour of the meeting. Then he just played quietly for the rest of the meeting. That is HUGE for Corbyn - especially the coloring part. Since then he has loved coloring! WOOT!
Here are my cute boys at the luncheon after.
For the rest of the day, we hung out at my grandma's house. We kicked off the celebration of my birthday with dinner and a few presents. A huge thank you to my grandma and my Aunt Tracy for all the work they put into that! It seemed a little too early to start celebrating, but it was fun nonetheless.
And just because, here is a bonus picture. I have been waiting for a long time to get this picture. Corbyn almost always goes to bed with his Buzz, but usually by the time we check on him, Buzz has been thrown across the crib or on the floor. So when I found him like this I immediately ran to get my camera. So precious!
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  1. Peyton's quilt is so so cute!!

  2. I see two cute boys Roger! Glad I snapped that photo :)

    That photo of Corby in the crib with one hand on Buzz and the other on Bo Bo is totally precious - you are right about that!

    Your "quilt to be" is amazing Shauna! Nice job designing. Excited to see the progress on it too :)

    Glad Corby transformed into his "delightful" self after the bath last Saturday. Papa George and I thoroughly enjoyed him!
