Monday, April 16, 2012

Peyton's Shower

Mindy (my Relief Society President who I used to visit teach, is my neighbor, and who I am in constant contact with because of my calling as Compassionate Service Leader), Megan (my visiting teacher who has watched Corbyn for practically every appointment I've had this pregnancy), and Mariah (of the famous Bill and Mariah) threw me the most perfect baby shower last Wednesday night. The decorations were the cutest ever, the food was delicious, the games were fun, and so many friends came to literally shower Peyton with mass amounts of adorable clothing.
It was at Mariah's house and she did all the decorations. Welcome Peyton owls. Seriously so cute. And check out all those presents!
I look like a complete and total dork in this picture. Seriously I don't know what face I am pulling. But look past that at the paper lanterns and the food. Spinach dip, fruit kabobs, mini cupcakes with owl toppers, and Bill's famous lemon bars. Yum!
We played the candy bar game where you match candy bars to baby terms and a game where we guessed how much each baby item cost.
I was so happy to get to have a girl baby shower. A huge thank you to Mindy, Megan, and Mariah and everyone who came!
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  1. I think you look pretty in that photo :)

    We were definitely well fed at the shower and the decorations were so creative and cute!

    It was fun to be with a younger crowd - I was the only one who needed reading glasses to read the game card - hehe

    Thanks again to Shauna's friends for giving her an awesome shower

  2. Thanks Mindy, Megan, and Mariah.

  3. Are you kidding? You look adorable in that picture!

    Glad you had a fun time!
