Friday, May 4, 2012

Five on Friday

1. A tragic event occurred at our home yesterday. While Corbyn was falling asleep for his nap he managed to break his favorite Buzz. He only slept for about 45 minutes and then he woke up screaming hysterically. He has WAY TOO MANY Buzz toys, so we have decided we can't replace him. It's just too bad he had to break his absolute favorite one. When he was getting ready for bed and he remembered that Buzz was gone, he collapsed on the ground crying. Poor boy!

2. I forgot what it is like to change a newborn's diaper. It seems every time Peyton's diaper is off, she either poos or pees creating a huge mess. The result has been having to wash the quilt on our bed 2 times in the short time she has been home. One of these days I'll learn my lesson and stop trying to change her diaper on our bed!

3. Yesterday I successfully took both kiddos to the grocery store and then to the park after. It probably doesn't count because my mom was there helping, but it gave me hope that I'll actually be able to get out of the house with 2 kiddos around.

4. Nursing is going incredibly well with Peyton. Other than being horribly engorged for a few days, it has been smooth sailing. It got so bad that I actually resorted to using cabbage leaves to help with the swelling and surprise, it actually worked. It was interesting because I had quite the opposite problem with Corbyn. When my milk came in with him I had hardly any milk and had to work for weeks to get my milk supply up. I do have to say, I prefer having an oversupply to an undersupply!

5. Yesterday Peyton celebrated her 1 week birthday. In keeping with tradition, I made Frozen Lemonade Pies to celebrate the event. (I made homemade oreos for Corbyn's 1 week birthday.) They were both delicious and very EASY!

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  1. Tell Corbyn we are also mourning the loss of his dear Buzz toy!!

    Look at you grocery shopping, going to the park, blogging like nothing different even happened to you!! I'm SO impressed!!

    Happy one week Miss Peyton!! You are darling! Save some pie for me, please?

  2. It's been a busy week here at the Phillip's abode!

    Glad I was invited to spend a couple of weeks with Roger, Shauna, Corby and Peyton :)

    Peyton didn't seem to mind not getting any of her pie - hehe

  3. Poor Corby...i feel so sad for him! He's had kind of a rough week!

    The picture of the three of you and of Peyton and her pie are darling!

    Love you,
