Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lots of Firsts

First time breaking free from being swaddled.

First car ride.

First outfit.

First sponge bath at home. Parts of it she enjoyed....

Other parts she didn't like so much.

First footie pajamas. (This was the first thing I bought for her when I found out we were having a girl. Love the ballet slipper feet!)

First time in her swing. (We buckled her in for her own protection against her crazy brother who thought it was fun to swing her.)

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  1. Oh my, she is so so so darling! That picture in her first outfit is to die for!

  2. What a sweet girl!! I agree with Rachel- nice choice on the first outfit :) It is darling!!

  3. Love the pictures, she's a dollbaby, she is! i think it's so cute the way she's all curled up...adoradle!

    Can only imagine Corby giving her a swing...yipes! Here's to Big Brothers!

  4. Awww, she is SO CUTE!! Love how she's still in fetal position in her swing. :)

  5. I didn't think it was possible but she is giving me a hint of baby fever. She is just adorable! Congrats again. We had to keep Dane strapped in his swing/bouncy chair/etc ALL THE TIME too because his sister thought she would help a little too much :) It's kind of sweet though...

  6. First little granddaughter to easily find a place in my heart <3
