Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

I feel like I was really spoiled this Mother's Day.

Rog and Corby made me my favorite breakfast while Peyton and I slept in (for a few minutes).

We got to talk to Elder Ririe on Google+.

I got a lot of presents (including a few not pictured).  

Rog made me Fabulous Orange Chicken for dinner (with a little supervision).

I got to enjoy this little sweetheart who made me a mom for the second time a short 2 weeks and a few days ago.

We played games and enjoyed this delicious pie (which was actually even more delicious when I had a piece a few minutes ago) with Bill and Mariah.

Yes, I was most definitely spoiled.
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1 comment:

  1. WOW - Good job Roger at spoiling Shauna!

    You are an AWESOME mother sweet Shauna :)

    Love the new main blog photo and the photo of you with cute lil' Peyton!
