Friday, June 15, 2012

Five on Friday

1. I'm loving dressing Peyton for church! This is my favorite dress of the many I have to choose from. Isn't she the cutest?!

2. On Tuesday I had my 6 week follow up appointment and was pronounced healed. I survived another pregnancy! It's time to put on my running shoes and start pounding the pavement again.

3. This week I replaced my old brown Reef flip flops with another pair of brown Reef flip flops. I had them for 6 years and they were definitely well worn! I loved them and I knew I wouldn't be able to find anything better, so I didn't try. Breaking in the new ones while watching a little Gilmore Girls (while both my kiddos are asleep).

4. Corbyn learned a new word this week....

Peyton! I think it's my favorite word he says.

5. Meg had a birthday last night. Sadly I didn't realize it until today. I missed the 99,999 and 100,000 picture, but this one is almost as cool.

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  1. Peyton's dress is darling. I love getting Jilly ready for church too, especially now that she gets really excited to put on a pretty dress.

    And Corbyn is such a good big brother, I love how he says Peyton. What a cutie.

  2. So glad you got a girl to play "dress-up" with. Peyton is a cutie!

    Glad you got new flip flops and a video of Corby saying "Peyton". I love the way he says her name too :)

    Run Shauna Run - and glad your car is going strong at 100,000 + miles!
