Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Provo,
Obviously it has been too long since I lived in your beautiful city. Last night I ended up taking the most roundabout way from Roger's softball game to the temple. I've driven those streets countless times, but I honestly could not remember the most efficient route. Thanks for being close and letting me visit on occasion.
A BYU grad who doesn't want to move on

Dear husband,
Thanks for the fun date the other night. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was probably my favorite date we've had this year. The shakes at Sonic where good (and the perfect price - half off), but the best part was watching our wedding video with you when we got home. I love you!
Your wife

Dear Corbyn,
I don't think you understand the concept of being quiet while baby sister sleeps. Today I put her down for a nap in her crib. When I told you to be quiet because baby sister was sleeping, you ran into her room and slammed the the door against the wall. She'll either learn to be able to sleep through anything or never sleep at all. But aside from that, you are becoming a very good big brother. You love to help me give her baths and I don't have to watch you quite as carefully when you are around her anymore. She's lucky to have you as a big brother and I'm lucky to have you as my little boy. I love you!
Your mom

Dear Peyton,
I feel like I've been a neglectful mother these past 5 weeks. Yes, I fed you, changed your diapers, rocked you, and kept you clothed. But I didn't keep a bow on that cute little head of yours and for that I am sorry. You are practically bald and I didn't have much success with the corn syrup. But don't worry, yesterday I bought you a headband that I can clip your bows to. That's how much I love you my baby girl!
Your mom

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  1. That was a really fun date. Hanging out with you was my favorite part, but those two people doing ninja moves in the parking lot were a close second.

  2. We love Provo too - Go BYU!

    Glad to see the two of you are still sneaking in dates - sounds like fun!

    Corby is a cute older brother and glad Peyton can wear her cute bows now :)
