Saturday, June 30, 2012


After Corbyn's birthday party and Father's Day, my parents stayed up for the week to attend the Utah Valley Parade of Homes. They are planning on moving up here when my dad retires in a year. They know they want to live in Utah Valley because Jared will be back at BYU and we will (most likely) stay where we are while Rog does his MBA/MHA, but they aren't exactly sure where in Utah Valley. So they used the Parade of Homes to scope out different possibilities.

In between their looking at houses, they did a lot of fun stuff with us. It was our stay-cation because we acted like we were on vacation, but we were home.

On Tuesday we went to the Hogle Zoo. It was Corbyn's first visit to a zoo (and of course Peyton's too). We had perfect zoo weather. It was sunny, clear, and beautiful, but only in the 70's.

Corbyn enjoyed seeing all the animals and making animal noises. He also liked playing in the play area and riding the train. And he did a great job posing by the gorilla sign!

On Wednesday we took Corbyn's 2 year pictures (and while we were at it, a few of Peyton) at Fotogenix. That wasn't a lot of fun as the 2 year old didn't exactly want to be photographed, but I'm glad we did it (and even more glad my mom was there to help). I'll post those pictures as soon as I get them back.

Wednesday evening Rog and I took a running technique class at the Runner's Corner while my parents watched Corbyn and Peyton at the mall or rather the Disney Store in the mall.

On Thursday we went to Seven Peaks.Corbyn and I went down the Tube Run about a thousand times.

While Peyton hung out and looked cute in her swim suit.

Thursday evening my parents took Corbyn to Rog's softball game while Peyton and I went to my dinner group for the month.

On Friday we said goodbye to my parents, but the fun didn't end there. Friday night we had Rog's work party at the Spanish Fork Water Park. We had never been there, so it was fun to check it out.

It was a fun week which made this week kind of a bummer in comparison, but that's how life goes!
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1 comment:

  1. It was a fun week!

    It's going to be a lonely July unless you guys come down and visit us!

    Thanks for including us in on your Stay-cation :)
