Thursday, July 19, 2012


No surprise, I have a lot less free time these days. I feel like I'm doing pretty good when I get the grocery shopping, laundry, and budget done each week and fit a few runs in. My house is usually in varying degrees of a messy disaster zone. It's kind of a miracle if I get 100% ready for the day. And you've probably noticed I'm not exactly quick about getting blogs done. I'm dying to finish a craft. I have a few 4th of July projects from the Wood Connection to do. Hopefully I'll be able to finish at least one of those by the end of the month...

But we have managed to get a few small "projects" done.

We got a bookshelf to replace Corbyn's changing table. Seeing as how we haven't used it for actual diaper changing since he was about 6 months old, it was time.

Emily and Elise gave Corbyn a construction hat and a few tools for his birthday. So he had fun "helping" his dad put it together.

We also got some more bins to store toys in.

And this week when I was at Walmart I picked up a few frames to put his 1 year and 2 year picture collages in. His 1 year picture collage has been waiting to be framed for a whole year!

The second "project" was a package for Elder Jar. I was planning on doing a hump day package (July 6), but I was having a hard time coming up with ideas for that and my mom was sending one anyway. So I decided to do a 4th of July package instead. It got there a few days after the 4th of July, but I figured that was pretty good for having a new baby at our house!

Everyone in our family contributed something to the package. Corbyn colored a 4th of July picture, Peyton sent a smile in her 4th of July outfit, Rog wrote a letter, and I did a few things. I made Chex Funfetti Cake Batter Buddies with white cake mix and red, white, and blue star sprinkles. I got him some red, white, and blue candies. I made him a 4th of July Confetti Popper Rocket (that I'm pretty sure didn't make the journey to Sweden intact). And I made him a card. Printables here and here. I was pretty pleased with how it all turned out!

Yeah these "projects" may seem like nothing big (because they really aren't), but I was pleased to be able to finish them among all the other craziness at our house!
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  1. I think they are great projects and I see more projects in your future.

  2. Nice work on the bookshelf boys!

    Nice organizing of the bookshelf daughter!

    Nice to see the collage photos of Corby framed and displayed - love that lil' guy <3

    Glad you spoiled Jar and sent him a package - you always have such creative ideas and I know Jar really appreciated it - especially since the mail service slows way down in July and he hasn't been receiving the letters that have been sent!

  3. Shauna,

    You never cease to amaze me with all you get done.

    Way to go, beautiful!
