Friday, August 31, 2012

Farewell Summer

Summer is coming to an end and to be quite honest, I'm not really sad about it. It has been so beyond hot this summer. I'm ready for some cooler weather.

Last Saturday we went to Seven Peaks for the last time this summer. We had to register Daisy and do a few errands before we went, so we got there a little later than normal.

We played hard and Corbyn fell asleep on the way home. 

That afternoon we had our neighborhood block party put on by our ward. The food wasn't very good and there wasn't enough of it - obviously men were in charge of planning that part - but Corbyn had fun playing and we had fun talking to our neighbors. Peyton took a little nap on the blanket while we chatted.

And Corbyn insisted on pushing Peyton home in the stroller.

Farewell summer - see you next year!

1 comment:

  1. I'm tired of the heat too! Bring on the fall weather!

    If food is involved - women should be involved in the planning

    Love all three photos - very sweet :)

    Bye Bye Summer!
