Thursday, September 13, 2012

Camping and a Football Game

As soon as we got home from Yellowstone we had a packed weekend ahead of us.

Friday night was our ward fathers and sons campout. I was nervous about Corbyn going, but Rog really wanted to take him, so I let him.

He's only ever slept in his crib or a pack 'n play, so we didn't know how he would do in a tent. Rog let him stay up later than normal, but when he went to sleep he slept through the night! I'm glad they could have a fun boys night out!

While the boys were camping, Peyton and I went up to Salt Lake to have dinner with the Riries at Mimi's Cafe to celebrate the summer birthdays in our family. Peyton was ready for bed when we got home, so I had a quiet night at home. It was kind of nice, but also kind of weird. When I went to bed I felt like I hadn't talked for a very long time!

Saturday afternoon was another BYU home game. We played Weber State which was kind of a joke - more like a glorified practice. It was dang hot in the stadium, so at half time we went below the stands to cool off. While we were down there we got a snow cone that kept me cool enough to enjoy the second half! Woot! Final score: 45-13.

It was a fun weekend which only made it that much harder to go back to reality this week!
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  1. Corby loves camping. He wasn't a big fan of the fire, but I bet that will change.

  2. Nice job Corby on sleeping well in a tent and being a good sport for your adventure with Dad!

    Glad Shauna and Peyton got a girls night out too so that we could enjoy them at the birthday dinner!
