Sunday, September 9, 2012

Saturday in Salt Lake

Before we went to Yellowstone, we had a fun Saturday in Salt Lake. First we went to the Living Planet Aquarium.

We had been hearing about the otters for months and they did not disappoint. We got there just in time for a feeding. The workers hid fish for the otters and they went crazy searching for them like an Easter egg hunt.

Corbyn loved seeing all the "nemos" although he was a little scared when he got up close.

He loved playing on this giant frog and would tell all the other kids it was his - we're working on that whole sharing concept!

And Peyton had fun playing in her stroller.

After the aquarium and nap time for both Corbyn and Peyton, we got out the train set at my Grandma Ford's house. Corbyn loved it - he asks for it every time we're up there now!

We hit up Village Inn for dinner and then headed home.

It was the perfect way to spend our Labor Day weekend Saturday!
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  1. I think Chief loved the trains more than Corby did.

  2. Hehe Roger - I was going to make a similar comment about Shauna and the trains :)

    Glad you got to see the otters . . . and the nemos . . . and that Corby got to ride HIS frog - hehe . . . and that Peyton just enjoyed hanging out in the stroller

    Maybe we should get Corby a giant frog of his very own for Christmas - jk

  3. Looks like a very fun day indeed!! Elise and I went to the aquarium this summer and also had a great time. Loved those otters!

  4. Oh, darling otter face! i have been wanting to go to that aquarium forever! Glad you had fun!

    Count me in on the trains, i love them too. Maybe i sould break out Sam's set....use Mom B's bedroom to build my own railroad...."t-t-t-too much time on my hands." (Actually, there is a ton i should be doing....inspration, anyone?)

    Miss being there alot!
