Saturday, September 1, 2012

Season Opener

On Thursday BYU played their season opener against Washington State.

It was a late game (8:15), so Corbyn and Peyton came to the tailgate with us and then Grandma Lori took them home and put them to bed.

Peyton was so cute in her pink BYU shirt and white jean skirt. 

Just chillin' in the stroller.

And hanging out with dad.

This year we got our seats with Bill and Mariah and my dad. My dad paid to upgrade our seats from last year. Now we are on the west side on the 20 yard line near the south end zone, 25 rows up. It is amazing how much of a difference it makes to have great seats!! It is especially fun when the action is down right in front of us.

It was a white out game, so Rog and I sported matching shirts from the Cougar Run in 2010. 

It was fun to start the season out with a win! Final score: 30-6.

Go cougars!! We are looking forward to a great season!


  1. Peyton and I were matching in our fuchsia BYU shirts - she did look adorable and Corby looked cute in his BYU shirt too!

    Glad Dad upgraded your seats - Nice view!

    Go Cougars Go - WOOT for the WIN!

    I had some sweet moments with Corby and Peyton before getting them to bed - thanks for the opportunity to tend them Roger and Shauna!

  2. Go Cougars! So fun to have great seats

  3. i finally got to see the new shirts....kind of , sort of...

    Who's "Mullet Man?" The Corb?

    Shall i wear "My" shirt in your honor here? Funny how it has a whole other meaning, depending which state i wear it in.....
