Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Corbyn,

It seems you have grown up so much in the past few months. You can open doors, you talk more every day, you tell me what you want, you follow directions (most of the time), you drink your milk out of a cup with a straw, and you are learning that people (and animals) have names. You are also starting to refuse naps which isn't the most pleasant thing. But with that being the notable exception, I am liking grown-up Corbyn. Even if you are growing up, you will always be my baby boy. I love you!

Your mom

Dear Peyton,

Your dad and I decided it was time to sleep train you this week. Listening to you cry it out is hard because when you learned to sleep through the night before, we didn't have to go through this - you did it all on your own. Do me a favor and go back to sleeping through the night quickly! I love you always, but I love you just a little bit more when you aren't waking me up all through the night!

Your mom

Dear Rog,

It has been a stressful week for both of us. Work for you and lots of compassionate service stuff on top of getting ready for a baby shower for me. Thanks for putting up with your stressed wife! I love you!

Your wife   

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  1. Fingers crossed she starts sleeping better soon!!! Sleeping training is never fun :(

  2. Hope by now Peyton has gotten MUCH better at sleeping - especially during the night!

  3. Corby is so awesome and I enjoy the grown-up Corby along with loving him TONS!
