Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Homecoming Weekend

Last weekend was Homecoming at BYU - it was such a fun weekend!

Saturday morning was the Cougar Run.

First was Corby's race. We signed him up not knowing if he would do it, but we figured it was only $5, so why not?! He wasn't going to let me put his race number on him, but at the last minute I told him it was a football number and he was all over it. (He's obsessed with all things football, Cosmo, and BYU right now. Gotta train them young!)

His race was the boys 200 meter (ages 1-4). I ran with him and he ended up loving it.

All the kids got a ribbon and a shirt with Cosmo on it.

He kept wanting to do it again, so we took turns running on the track with him in between the other races.

Then it was my turn. My goal was to finish the 5K in under 25 minutes. I thought I could do it, but I knew it would be close. When I turned the corner, I saw the clock was at 24:40. I sprinted in and crossed the finish line at 24:59!

That would have been enough to make me happy, but when I got the paper with my results I saw that I finished 3rd place in my age group! I was ecstatic!

While we were waiting around for the award ceremony, we enjoyed blue pancakes. It's my 8th year attending BYU Homecoming events, but this is the first year I've gotten blue pancakes. They always have them during the Cougar Run, so I've always missed them. This year instead of the bananas, bagels, and regular post-race food, they had blue pancakes. Somehow Cougar blue pancakes taste better than regular pancakes. Or maybe it was the taste of victory I was enjoying!

It was fun to get to stand on the podium and get a medal! The sad thing is I could have gotten 2nd place if I finished 10 seconds faster. (The girl who got 2nd finished in 24:51.)

Rog has been having problems with his achilles tendons, so he wasn't able to run this year. Next year we'll all have to do it and make it a family event! But this year these two were great cheerleaders!

By the time we got home, I only had time for a quick shower and then we were back at BYU for our tailgate party.

Peyton had great timing with a massive blowout.

We didn't have a change of clothes for her, so she got to go topless for the rest of the tailgate and the ride home. (Love those rolls!)

We bundled her up in a blanket and Grandma Lori's sweater.

Grandma took the kids home for naps while we went to the football game. It was a blackout as BYU was wearing black uniforms (designed by Nike) for the first time. I wasn't too excited about wearing black, but it actually was pretty cool to see the whole stadium in black.

We played Oregon State and even though we ended up losing (24-42), it was the best game we've had all year. We were able to stick with them for the first 3 quarters which was much more than we expected.

After the game we met up at Red Robin for dinner. Peyton sat in a high chair (at a restaurant) for the first time.

On Sunday my parents stopped at our house for dinner on their way back down to St. George. They brought back some fun stuff for the kids from their cruise (a Disney one with the Hobbs). Peyton was super cute in her Mickey Mouse Pirates of the Caribbean bandana.

And we got to have some of my mom's pie to celebrate Jared only having 3/8 of his mission to go.

It was a great weekend full of Cougar and family fun!
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  1. WOOT - Corby - love your FOOTBALL Number :)

    WOOT - Shauna - I'm glad you got the Ririe heart <3

    Nice job getting 3RD PLACE ;)

    . . . and it wouldn't be as much fun without someone to cheer you on - Thanks to Rog and Peyton!

    Hehe for the blowout - you'll love hearing that story some day Peyton! Glad Roger and Shauna got the photos to back up the story

    I enjoyed spending time with the lil' ones while everyone else was cheering BYU on - and also enjoyed being together for dinner at Red Robin with them and their parents!

    Isn't Peyton the scariest little pirate you've ever seen?

    WOOT Äldste Jar! We've completed 5/8 of the wait while you've given your all to your mission!

  2. I don't think PJ will be happy with all the immodest pictures we posted of her in this post.

  3. The pictures of Peyton are the best. What a cutie!!
