Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rest of Conference Weekend

Mariah's baby shower was the main event of conference weekend. The rest of the weekend we:

*Had a stay-at-home tailgate party before the BYU vs. Utah State game on Friday night. Then Rog, Bill, and Mariah went to the game. I stayed home with the kids and prepped food for the shower while listening to the game on the radio. (My parents were on a cruise, so we didn't have our usual babysitter.) It was kind of a boring game (final score: 6-3), but it was a win, so we'll take it!

*Got Cafe Rio for dinner with Bill and Mariah Saturday night before Priesthood.

*Took care of a sick Corbyn. After about a month of being healthy (a world record for Corbyn), he had a pretty awful cold that was just short of being croup (breathing difficulty, but no seal bark). He wanted to be held at all times by either me or Rog which made Priesthood really fun for me! Mariah stayed to help me and while both kids only wanted to be held by me, her moral support was the only thing that got me through!

*Spent Sunday in our pajamas (except Peyton, she got changed into a onesie). Rog and Corbyn had an Oswald marathon via Amazon Prime pretty much the whole day other than when we were watching conference. We all feasted on Puffed French Toast for brunch. I cleaned the whole house - swept, mopped, dusted, cleaned the mirrors, and wiped down the bathroom counters (all the stuff that doesn't get done all the time).

*Had a good laugh while Peyton sat up and blew spit bubbles for at least 15 minutes straight!

It was a different conference weekend than we usually have - no family and no Ririe Waffle Breakfast, but it was a good one nonetheless (other than Corbyn being sick of course).
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  1. Oh little Peyton is so cute! Finally you had a semi-boring weekend. Now you know how it feels to be the rest of us ;) And your parents went on a cruise without you?! What?? Ha ha ha.

  2. I was so glad it was a chill weekend. I was very happy to have it.

  3. Love your bubbles Peyton!

    Sorry I wasn't there to help during the Priesthood Session!

    Yum - Puffed French Toast - I'd like some please . . .
