Friday, November 9, 2012

Five on Friday

1. Last week Peyton tried out the swing for the first time. She likes it, but her favorite part is watching me push Corbyn. She laughs and laughs and laughs!

2. Last Saturday on my run I tweaked my neck when I was looking down and back over my shoulders to watch a dumb little dog who was chasing me. I was completely miserable for a few days. I couldn't turn my head to either side or look up which caused my shoulders to become very tight. We didn't have big plans for the weekend, but that pretty much put an end to any plans we did have. Good thing I had these 3 cuties around to take care of me.

3. All 5 lanes of I-15 are now open. They started the expansion when we moved into our house 2 1/2 years ago. At the time it seemed like it would never be done, but it really went pretty quickly. And now we have 5 lanes of awesome. I'd say it was worth it!

4. On Tuesday I took both kids to vote with me. It ended up being a piece of cake because Corbyn fell asleep on the way over and stayed asleep when I moved him to the stroller. As for the results of the election, to say I'm a little disappointed is a HUGE understatement. I know Mitt Romney would have been an outstanding President and could have done so much good for our country - particularly our economy. Sigh.

5. Peyton has become pretty mobile in the last week. She can crawl (not very fast or far yet, but she can do it) and she can go from crawling to sitting like it's nothing.

I love her owl beanie paired with Corbyn's winter coat from when he was a baby. 50% owl + 50% bear = 100% cute!

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  1. I'd love to see Peyton laughing while Corby is swinging - hope the snow melts!

    Love the photo of your three cuties :)

    How exciting for I-15 to be complete! WOOT!

    November 6 was a VERY sad day :(

    Sweet lil' Peyton - definitely 100% cute!
