Friday, November 16, 2012

Five on Friday

1. Last Friday we welcomed a new nephew into the Phillips family. Cade Robert Phillips was born at 11:24 pm on Friday night. He was 7 pounds, 12 ounces and is just so adorable! We can't wait to meet him when we go to Colorado for Christmas! He's Rex and Edda's 3rd boy and the 5th boy on the Phillips side. Maybe one day Peyton will get a girl cousin, but for now she's one of a kind!

2. On Monday night we decided to finally wash our couch cover. (We've been talking about how it needed to be done for a while now.) It looks a million times better! And as an added bonus - the cushions with the covers off made for excellent fort building material for our FHE!

3. I finished my 5th book for the year. I read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. It tells the incredible story of WWII survivor Louie Zamperini who spend 47 days shipwrecked on a tiny raft and then spent the rest of the war in Japanese POW camps. Similar to The Glass Castle, I enjoyed it while I was reading it, but I wasn't so into it that I couldn't put it down like I was with 11/22/63. It made me grateful for all those who have suffered (and those who continue to suffer) so much to protect the many freedoms we enjoy.

4. Peyton is doing better with solid feedings. A few days this week she's actually finished her bowl of oatmeal cereal (with a fruit or vegetable mixed in) - although most of the time I still feel like I have to trick her to open her mouth to get the spoon in there. We've also started giving her puffs. She seems to really be into those and is successful about half of the time at getting one in her mouth!

5. A few times this week Corbyn has wanted to sit where Peyton sits. In her Bumbo (although she hasn't actually used it for a few weeks now) and in her high chair. What a silly boy!

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1 comment:

  1. Welcome lil' Cade!

    Nice fort and now nice clean couch!

    How do you find time to read? Amazing!

    Got to see cute Peyton in action :)

    Silly Corby! Love the photo of Corby in the high chair and Peyton on the floor longingly looking up . . .
