Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thanksgiving Week

The Hobbs crew came into town the Friday before Thanksgiving. That night they put Blake to bed, left him with Grandma Lori, and drove down to hang out with us like the good old days when we were newly married and kid free living in Union Square together.

On Saturday we all saw Wreck-It Ralph (loved it!).

On Sunday we met up in Draper to see my cousin Brady bless his baby boy, Oliver.

Monday and Tuesday we didn't do anything together because of our sick kids. Jason had interviews with the University of Utah and Intermountain for the first year of his residency.

On Wednesday Grandma Lori came down to help with the kids while I prepped what I could for the big day. Corby and Grandma played Play-Doh together and I made close to 100 mini pumpkin cupcakes.

That night we drove up to Salt Lake to celebrate the November/December Ririe birthdays (Diana, Brady, and Taylor) at California Pizza Kitchen.

And then it was time for the big day...

Peyton's Thanksgiving outfit - I saw it and couldn't resist!

We cooked all morning. I was most nervous about the turkey and the gravy because we'd never attempted either of them before. Rog took charge of the turkey which I was very grateful for. The gravy had to be done at the last minute, so all 4 of us (my parents came a little early to help) scrambled around yelling instructions and somehow it turned out just right.

Jason, Diana, Blake, and my Grandma Ford arrived just in time for dinner at 2 and we dug right in.

While all of us were together we had to attempt a family picture. It turned out pretty much exactly how I thought it would. The adults look good, but not a single kid is looking at the camera.

We had dessert with the Petrosinos and some of their family and friends. There was a great selection of yummy desserts to choose from.

After that we did our Ririe gift exchange. Rog got the Avengers from my mom, I got the new Our Best Bites cookbook from Jason (I've already cooked quite a few things from it!), Corby got some books from Blake, and Peyton got Cinderella from my dad (She's too young to enjoy it now, but we're collecting the classics as they are released from the vault - in the meantime, Corbyn has insisted we watch it pretty much every day!).

While we were doing the exchange Blake found the Black Friday ads and made quite a mess handing me each ad over and over again. It was so cute and I was happy to have a "bonding" moment with my nephew as we don't get to see him near enough!

After everyone left and we got the kids to bed, I finally had a moment to sit down and look through the Black Friday ads. I had been debating whether or not to go to Target that night because I really wanted to get the Little People Princess set for Peyton. The store opened at 9 and at 10:30 I finally decided to go. I figured they'd probably be sold out, but I'd be mad at myself later if I didn't try. When I got there, I went straight to the toy section and there was ONE left! I couldn't believe my luck to get the very last one! I waited in line for 40 minutes and made it home by midnight.

Mariah and I headed out at 6:15 Friday morning for some serious Black Friday shopping. We started at the new outlets at Traverse Mountain (in Lehi). I have been so excited for them to open because they have a Carter's! Everything was 50% off plus I had a coupon for 20% off on top of that, so I started stocking up on 9-12 month clothes for Peyton. We also hit up the Children's Place while we were there. Then we made a quick stop at Target (the night before I grabbed the Princess set and got right in line) and Toys R Us. Finally we hit up Kohl's where we waited in line for over an hour!

Peyton got to tag along, so I could feed her. She was a perfect angel - slept through the outlets and Target and was just happy and cute the rest of the time even though she was still getting over her cold.

On Saturday I went with Mariah to a craft show Spanish Fork puts on every year the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. It was the first year we've been here for Thanksgiving since we moved to Spanish Fork, so I was excited to check it out. It was a lot bigger than I expected and they had some cute things for sale. I got this beautiful, tiny eskimo nativity set.

Later that day I got to go to the temple and do the initiatory and endowment for the family name I started in October. Even though we've been to the temple every month this year, I hadn't done an endowment session since February. It's hard to fit one in between Peyton's feedings, but we had to make it happen this month.

And that was our Thanksgiving week! Stay tuned for Peyton's 7 month post, Corby in a big boy bed, decorating for Christmas, and much much more! I'll get caught up sooner or later!
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  1. I'm sorry that your kiddos were sick around the holidays! Such a bummer. Looks like you still managed to get lots of fun stuff done though! Way to go with all your black Friday shopping- sounds like you totally scored!

  2. Just reading this post made me tired all over again.

  3. I'm very, very impressed that you hosted Thanksgiving. My goal in life is to avoid that at all costs.

  4. Host Thanksgiving Dinner and then go Black Friday shopping on top of that! Shauna you are AMAZING!

    Nice to have many Thanksgiving Week memories of being with my family - missed you Äldste Jar!
