Friday, February 1, 2013

Five on Friday

1. On Tuesday I took the kids on a "sleigh ride." We made a few stops to visit Mariah, Charlotte, and Cinnamon (their dog that Corbyn loves), drop off some snowmen cake pops, and get the mail. Peyton let Corbyn hold her for most of it until she decided she was done sitting still and tried crawling in the snow at which point I carried her and had Corbyn pull the sled with the mail (mostly ads and junk) in it. It was a fun little adventure.

2. Peyton loves climbing on our dishwasher door. (What baby doesn't?!) We were worried she would break it off, so we were constantly stopping her from crawling up there. That is until we figured out Corbyn's stool is the perfect height to go under there and support it. This picture is a little out of focus, but I just love her face. She loves it!

3. On Thursday we went up to Provo to have lunch with Rog at Tucanos to use his free birthday meal (on the very last day of the month). While we were up there we did a few errands at the mall. Corbyn threw all the pennies I had in the fountain and then I let them play until it was time to feed Peyton. I felt bad making them leave because they were having such a great time!

4. Our sink arrived yesterday. Rog was so excited to open it, but unfortunately when he did we discovered they sent the wrong one! We ordered the 10 inch deep sink, but they sent the 8 inch deep one. So it was back to Home Depot for another return. Hopefully this time they'll send the right one and we'll finally be able to install our new sink!

5. When Rog went to change the air filter on our furnace yesterday he found that our water heater has been leaking (for who knows how long). Fortunately it looks like it's a small repair compared to having to replace the whole thing. (We'll find out for sure tomorrow when the water heater repairman comes.) In the meantime, Rog rigged up a system to catch the water and drain it. The joys of home ownership!
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  1. Thank you ever sooo much for the delichious dinner and wonderful company! i am so glad you survived the horrible weather! You are all my hero's!
    Love the pic of Peyton in the washer!

  2. That's a bummer about the water heater and sink!

    Loved reading about the sleigh ride, Peyton's love of the dishwasher, and adventures at the fountain at the mall!

    Adorable photos of my adorable grandchildren - yep, I claim them :)
