Monday, February 4, 2013

The Good

Let's forget about the not so good from this weekend (an expensive water heater repair, a coughing Corbyn, early mornings with our PJ).

This weekend was good for...

First Steps. We thought PJ would walk early, but we were still seriously blown away how quickly she picked it up.

Charlotte's Baby Blessing. Bill and Mariah chose to bless her Saturday afternoon instead of during Sacrament meeting. We were happy to be able to be there to see that sweet baby blessed. She is a modern miracle and such a blessing to their family.

{I stole this picture from Mariah's Facebook page because I was lame and didn't take any pictures of my own... Hope you don't mind Mariah!}

Lost Cities.  After we put the kids to bed and cleaned up Saturday night, we made time to do something together as opposed to just being in the same room doing our own things. I won, but Rog put up a good fight.

The Super Bowl. We were officially cheering for the 49ers because Rog was a fan growing up, but we were happy to see Pitta (who played for BYU a few years ago) do well and get a ring.

A Valentine's Day Craft. I got to spend some time working on my latest craft although it's currently still a work in progress.
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  1. Enjoyed hearing about the highlights of your weekend!

    PJ is amazing with her early walking!

    Charlotte is a sweetheart - grateful for miracles!

    Lost Cities sounds fun - glad you won the "fight"

    Excited to see your latest craft!

  2. Oh, what a cute baby! And very impressive that Peyton's walking already!

  3. Stupid Lost Cities. At least I got to play with a pretty girl.

  4. Walking!!! Sheesh. I hope Henry takes forever. I do not want to have to worry about an early walker. You guys sound great. I love reading about your cute life and I'm always so impressed at how much you get done and how organized you are even with two kids.
