Saturday, March 9, 2013

Disney World

Our Disney World trip started on Wednesday (February 20th). Our flight didn't leave until 2:00 pm, so we had all morning to finish packing and get to the airport.

Corbyn was so excited to get going. We had been telling him for weeks that we were taking an airplane to see Mickey. He pulled his bag all through the airport and refused to ride in our new double stroller. (Luckily that wore off after a day or two and he decided it was ok to ride - most of the time.)

It was Peyton's first time flying and she was pretty good. The first flight was a short one to Denver where we met Grandma Lori and Papa George. (They flew out of Las Vegas.)

She was happy as a clam walking around during our layover with her goldfish snacks and grandma's phone.

The flight to Orlando was a lot longer. Peyton fell asleep pretty much as soon as we got on the plane, but because they had to de-ice the plane and that took awhile, she was awake for most of the actual flight. She was so done sitting still and wanted to walk the aisle and there was some crying - but it could have been a lot worse!

Corbyn was easy to entertain with a Toy Story sticker book and movies on the laptop. He was so excited to see a friendly face waiting to greet him in Orlando - Goofy!

We stayed at Disney's All Star Music Resort which was our second choice. We wanted to stay at the All Star Movies Resort because they have a giant Buzz and Woody, but that one was full. We planned to go over and at least see them, but we never made it over. Oh well!

It was so nice to be able to use Disney transportation to get wherever we wanted to go. Renting a car (especially one big enough for our group) would have been such a hassle!

We brought cereal with us and bought milk in the hotel gift shop, so we didn't have to buy breakfast every morning. The last morning we were there we decided to splurge and get Mickey waffles. Corbyn thought Mickey's ears were the perfect place for his grapes. (When we are at home we can't get him to eat apple slices or grapes, but he couldn't get enough of the ones that came with his kid's meals. Silly kid!)

We spent almost every waking moment at one of the 4 parks. (I'm going to do a separate post for each park because this would be the world's longest post if I tried to do them all together. This will just be an overview.)

We were pretty impressed with the new technology they have for tickets. Instead of stamping your hand, they use your finger print.

 It was more crowded than we thought it would be (probably because it was the Princess Half Marathon Weekend). But we still managed to fit in almost everything we wanted to do without waiting in too many awful lines. When we did have to wait in line, the kids did great!

Lots of shoulder rides...

Walking practice...

And just general cuteness going on.

Peyton was very popular and made friends with everyone in line.

And when she was in the stroller, she loved turning around to peek up at us. (That is, when she wasn't taking off her shoes and socks. It's a miracle we made it home with both shoes - she was constantly taking them off!)

Both kids tried on a lot of Mickey ears. We didn't buy any, but they made for fun pictures - especially with all the designs they have now.

It took us a few days, but we finally got a "First Visit" pin for Peyton.

There was no time for going back to the hotel for naps. I can't speak for Blake, but our kids got pretty good at taking stroller naps - even Corbyn (who only naps at home when he is sick) took one almost every day.

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping kid? I submit that there is not!

Peyton's naps were much shorter than at home, but that actually helped her sleep a whole lot better at night. She usually sleeps horribly in a pack n' play, but she did great - which was wonderful because that meant I actually got to sleep at night.

By the end of the day both kids were exhausted. Most nights bath time was not a pleasant experience - they just wanted to go to bed! (Child abuse anyone?!)

At our hotel we had two pools to choose from - one shaped like a guitar and one shaped like a piano. We went swimming a couple of times and the kids loved it.

I had to buy Peyton a swimsuit (and shorts and t-shirts) just for this trip. They will probably all be too small by the time it warms up here, but it was worth it for a nice break from the cold!

One night I was freezing after we got back from swimming, so I jumped in the bath with the kids. They probably thought it was pretty weird to take a bath with mom!

And one night Rog caught a frog outside our hotel!

We took a lot of pictures. This is just the tip of the iceberg, people! We were definitely glad we decided to get our nice camera before the trip. The difference in quality is unreal even though we have no idea what we're doing!

Our flight left Orlando bright and early (8:40 am) Wednesday (February 27th). We all got naps on the flight to Denver which made that flight much more enjoyable than the one coming to Orlando!

And that was our trip in a nutshell - I have much more detailed posts coming in the next few days, so stay tuned!
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  1. Yay for Disney!! I'm so glad it was fun and can't wait to hear more. We are heading down this summer and I hope it goes as we'll for us with the two little guys. And btw you are one productive mommy! I am soo impressed.

  2. Good plan to divide the Disneyworld post into parts, and I loved your comments!

    The kiddos (Corby, Blake and Peyton) are cute - even when they are sleeping or are crying in the tub :)

    Nice work photographers!
