Friday, March 15, 2013

Five on Friday

1. We finally took some pictures of Peyton in her first fancy puffy dress she got for Christmas. It's a good thing because it probably won't fit her for much longer! Love this little cutie!

2. We had a stomach bug at our house this week. Corbyn was throwing up and Peyton had diarrhea. Fortunately it was short lived and they are both back to their normal selves. Unfortunately Taylor and Martha stayed with us one night while they searched for a place to live when they move here and Martha got it from us.

3. I got Wreck-It Ralph for my birthday. (My only gift that wasn't my camera!) It has been Corbyn's show of choice and he says that he is Fix-It Felix. It's a long ways off, but I'm thinking that would make a really cute Halloween costume with Peyton as one of the little racer girls...

4. It's been a big week. We learned that McKae is having a boy (due in August) per the Phillips family norm of having a boy first. We also learned that Taylor and Martha are moving to Saratoga Springs and Martha is going to be an Assistant Manager at the DownEast Basics in the University Mall. (Can you say family discount?! Woot!) And finally we learned that Diana and Jason are headed to Houston for Jason's Intern year and then to Denver for his Radiology Residency after that. They are disappointed about Houston (their 4th choice), but very happy about Denver (their 1st choice).

5. We've been enjoying beautiful spring weather this week. Lots of playing outside and wearing shorts! (I guess we are getting some more use out of Peyton's Disney World wardrobe afterall!)  I'm sure we'll still have some cold weather in the next few months, but at least we are over the worst of winter and we can enjoy the spring days when we have them!

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  1. Corby is such a good big brother.

  2. Love the photos of Peyton in her new dress and Corby with his Fix-It Felix hammer :)

    Sorry the flu bug found its way into your house this week :(

    Congrats McKae!

    Welcome to Utah Taylor and Martha!

    At least we are happy about Denver for Jason's Radiology Residency! We wanted them here for Jason's Intern year :(

    Welcome Spring :)

  3. Yay for spring!!

    What hospital is your bro-in-law going to be at in Houston? Our brother-in-law is doing his radiation oncology residency there. He's just about finished with his second year. He did his first year here at the U and then went to Houston, which was his 1st choice. :)

  4. Baylor? Your babies are soooo adorable!
