Monday, March 18, 2013

Magic Kingdom

I saved the best for last - Magic Kingdom! We spent by far the most time there - it was the first park we went to and also the last. And it was where we went if we still had a few hours in us after finishing up one of the other parks.

It's the Disney World equivalent of Disneyland and there's just the most to do there. Many of the rides are the same and the layout is pretty similar. Splash Mountain was closed for "enhancements" which was a bummer because that's one of our favorites.

We went on the Magic Carpets of Aladdin first. They don't have that one at Disneyland and it was added since my last visit to Disney World, so it was a first for all of us!

"It's a small world" is always a hit.

A (now) funny story. After we rode "it's a small world" on our first day, we could not find our (brand new) stroller where we had parked it. The employees are always moving strollers around, so we weren't terribly worried until we found some of our stuff on top of a garbage can and a stroller identical to ours (but with other people's stuff in it). We were waiting for one of the employees to get security when we saw a family walk by with our stroller! Roger stopped them and asked if they had lost their stroller. They replied, "Yeah, so we just took this one..." We were all pretty dumbfounded that they actually thought it was ok to just take another stroller because they thought theirs had been stollen. All is well that ends well, but we were pretty nervous for a few minutes there. I don't know what we would have done if we hadn't gotten ours back!

Corbyn loved Peter Pan's Flight, but his favorite ride was definitely Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. (No surprise there!) We'd go at night when there was no wait and ride it over and over and over...

One of the times we rode it my gun was broken. Every time I shot it my score went up by about 100,000, so it didn't take long for me to reach the maximum score.

The first night we were there we took Corbyn to meet Buzz (for the first time). The whole time we were waiting in line we told him to give Buzz a hug and then look at us and smile for a picture. When he got up there he gave him a huge hug and would not stop looking at him for anything. He was just in awe at meeting his hero!

One of the nights we ate at Casey's Corner (serving American baseball favorites like hot dogs, fries, and nachos). I didn't really want to go there until I saw something on the menu that I knew I would absolutely love - a hot dog with pulled pork and coleslaw. It was so good - surprisingly one of my favorite meals of the trip!

They had a guy playing ragtime tunes on a piano outside where we were eating. Corbyn kept imitating him - it was so funny!

With the notable exception of Space Mountain, we made it on almost all of the classic rides - Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Jungle Cruise, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Haunted Mansion (Corbyn was fine because he thinks ghosts are funny).

We caught the firework show a few times.

And camped out for the Main Street Electrical Parade one night.

Of course we had to meet Mickey Mouse!

Over the course of the trip we spent a lot of time waiting in line to meet characters for Corbyn, so we figured we should meet some characters for Peyton too even though she doesn't know who they are or care. Aurora, Rapunzel, and Cinderella were all together, so we went there.

Corbyn was very excited to meet Cinderella and it was the cutest thing ever.

We also met Tinkerbell and yet again Corbyn was much more excited than Peyton.

New Fantasyland just opened up. We were very excited to see it (and so was everyone else at Disney World). It was always packed, but magically the last night we were there all the Half Marathoners left and it cleared out just for us. We were able to get in a lot that last night.

Under the Sea - Journey of the Little Mermaid. Such a cute little ride - very well done.

Mad Tea Party.

Dumbo the Flying Elephant.

And the Barnstormer (Corbyn was able to ride - it was a lot like the Flight of the Hippogriff at Universal, but not as intense).

When we went to Disneyland with the Phillips back in 2009, Dixie got a sword and a shield in the castle. Corbyn loves playing with them when we visit, so we knew exactly what souvenir we should get Corbyn (and Rog). They each got a sword and we got one shield for them to share.

Peyton got an Eeyore stuffed animal ball to match Corbyn's Pooh ball he got at Disneyland in 2011. I got a Paris magnet at Epcot and Rog also got a hat (to add to his growing bald guy hat collection).

It was truly a magical trip! Many many thanks to my parents for making my dream to visit Disney World in February (when it is less hot, humid, and crowded than the summer) a reality! We made memories that will last a lifetime!
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  1. Wait... your Buzz gun was broken?

  2. WOW - What a trip that was - Glad we could make your dream come true daughter dear!

    Corby was at a perfect age to enjoy our trip - it was cute to see how he was in awe of the characters. I think he has a crush on Cinderella!

    Peyton was a joy to have there too along with Corby and Peyton's cousin, Blake :)

    We thoroughly enjoyed the parents too - Roger, Shauna, Jason and Diana!
