Thursday, May 30, 2013

13 Months

PJ at 13 months:

*Blows on her food to cool it off.

*Gives Corbyn hugs.

*Pushes things away if she doesn't want them.

*Copies sounds we make.

*Says "uh oh" as she drops something off her high chair. (And then I pick it up and we repeat over and over and over again!)

*Has decided she would rather be picked up and carried down the stairs rather than turning around and going down herself.

*Likes to carry things (like her sippy cup) around under her arm.

*Likes to put lids on containers over and over again.

*Loves to put things around her neck - necklaces, medals, or anything she can pretend is a necklace.

*Usually wakes up around 6:30 am, but will go back to sleep if I put her in bed with us.

*Will try to put her shoes on herself and will bring them to me to put them on, but still loves to take them off.

*Has just made the jump (quite seamlessly) from 2 naps a day to only 1.
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  1. Yep - that sounds like the Peyton I know and love <3

    What a sweetheart - give her a hug for me :)

    . . . and send these photos my way please!

  2. The pictures are darling....i love them all, especially of Peyton feeding her dolly, the hugs and the adorable black and whie outfit!

    i love the way Peyton hands things to people and how Corby told me to "Go in the bathroom and get your hair all dry". We actually played alone for a few minutes uptairs at GG's What fun!
