Friday, May 17, 2013

Five on Friday

1. I got a new case for my phone. The one I got for Christmas was already cracked in multiple places, so when I saw an Amazon Local deal for a phone case from Printerpix, I couldn't pass it up. I love how it turned out!

2. I finally got gifts sent off for Rachel and Emily's new babies. (I bought the clothes over a month ago!) Rachel had her baby girl this week and Emily will be having her baby boy soon. I made a taggy dinosaur for the boy and attempted a taggy elephant for the girl, but that didn't work out, so she just got a bow.

3. The weather suddenly turned hot hot hot this week, so we got out the pool and water table for the first time this year. The water was freezing, but Peyton didn't seem to mind!

4. Peyton decided this week that she's big enough to feed herself. It's a messy learning process, but I guess it had to happen eventually.

5. Megan solidified her spot as best visiting teacher ever (even though she isn't even my visiting teacher anymore) by bringing over some extra play food she had.

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  1. Haha. I'm not sure about the best visiting teacher part. But I'm glad we finally got rid of that food hanging around our house. :)

    And thanks again for watching my kids!!

  2. Love your new phone case- very cute! The picture you chose looks awesome!

    I love that it is finally pool time :) Looks like the kids had a blast!

    Aw! You are so sweet to send us gifts :) The taggie Dino is so cute, can't wait to see it in person. Thank you!!

    Hooray for hand me downs- that play food looks awesome and Corb seems to be loving it too :)

  3. Love the phone case and the taggy dinosaur. Rachel is lucky to get one of your homemade bows :)

    Woot for summer fun involving water!

    Yep - Peyton does tend to make a mess when she feeds herself pudding - she tries to use a spoon and then just gives up and uses her hands :)

    Thanks Megan for sharing!
