Tuesday, July 2, 2013

3 Years

Corbyn's 3 year stats:

Weight: 33 pounds (70th percentile)
Height: 39 1/4 inches (85th percentile)

Where did we get this tall kid?

Corbyn at 3 years:

*Talks very well. He was slow to get going, but now he talks in complete sentences and is very easy to understand.
*Loves Peter Pan, Jake and the Never Land Pirates, and is starting to get into super heroes.
*Is pretty calm and easy going. Now that he can talk and express what he wants, he hardly ever throws fits.
*Loves to ride his tricycle.
*Loves to do water balloons.
*Has a good memory. He still talks about when we went to Disney World and will mention random things days later.
*Is a good big brother. He'll come ask me if Peyton can do whatever he's doing with him.
*Wants to play with the big kids.
*Can be a good helper if he wants to be.

We sure love our big boy Corbyn!
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