Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Week Zero

Week Zero was kind of intense for Rog. He had classes or other things going on Monday - Friday from about 8 - 4 (some days he got done a little later and some days he got done a little earlier). He also had a  mandatory service project most of the day on Saturday.

And he had to get used to getting up there. It takes about 2 hours to get from our house to his building on campus with him driving to the Frontrunner station in Provo and taking Frontrunner and TRAX from there. That seems like a lot of time, but it's free (other than the short drive to Provo) and it gives him built-in study time.

I tried to plan things for us to do most days to help us make it through the week.

On Monday we drove up to the U to go to a welcome BBQ they had for the students and their families.

On Tuesday we went to the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point with Amber, Tyce, and Liam. In August they have 2 Buck Tuesdays, so it was pretty insanely busy. Peyton liked it a lot more than I thought she would - she pointed and roared at all the dinosaurs. Corbyn didn't seem too overly excited while we were there, but he's talked about it a lot since, so I think he really did have a good time.

On Thursday we got out the pool and invited some friends over.

That night Rog and I had planned to go to see an outdoor showing of the Hunger Games while Mariah watched our sleeping kids. (They close 100 W in Provo in front of Sammy's Cafe and play movies on an inflatable screen.) Unfortunately it started to rain not long after the movie started, so they had to cancel it. We got a half price shake from Sonic to share on our way home instead. Hopefully they'll reschedule!

Saturday morning we went to Seven Peaks. Corbyn brought this little polar bear to play with while we were there. When we were packing up to leave he wanted a picture with him. He told the polar bear to say cheese and everything. Cutest.Kid.Ever.

We had fun, but it was a long week without Rog. We are glad to have Week Zero over with! Now we can settle into his real schedule. (Monday - Thursday from about 9 - 3. Much more manageable!)
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1 comment:

  1. You are spoiled...I would love having my hubby home by 5!!

    We wish Roger best of luck in his new adventures!
