Thursday, November 14, 2013

Weekend Highlights

*Watching the BYU game. We lost, but not too badly (17-27) and against Wisconsin, a ranked team. And it didn't hurt that we ate good food while we watched. Really good food.

*A breathtakingly beautiful sunset.

*Cafe Rio.

*Finding Peyton like this when we went to pick her up from nursery. She fell asleep in one of the leader's arms and then stayed asleep when they put her down. Poor tired girl. Thank you Daylight Saving Time!

*A most delicious taco pizza for Sunday dinner and an equally delicious (and yes, homemade) peach pie for dessert.

*Playing Guillotine with the Petrosinos.
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1 comment:

  1. Sunset photo was taken from my house :)

    Tired lil' Peyton!

    Yep, I got a piece of that delicious peach pie - WOOT!
